Re: recent boost

They say even a stopped clock is right twice a day, but I think it's the wrong frame to look at it.

Can a stopped clock tell you the time? Can you know when a stopped clock is right, without the use of another clock? Can it give you information about the current time?

LLMs are the same way, they are also right sometimes. Can you tell when? Without consulting another more reliable source of information?


A stochastic clock is useful. Say, one that is correct 95% of the time. It's just less useful than a deterministic clock.

Your spam filters are barely right two thirds of the time, yet they save a ton of effort.


@AeonCypher true, and many clocks are never entirely right, if say they are off by a minute or two in one direction or the other, they have a bias but if the size of that bias is small enough it's still useful

I guess I just don't think LLM are right often enough, or close enough

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It depends a ton on what purpose they are serving and how they are designed.
If you're trying to ask an LLM, with extra randomness, and no internal source retrieval, some basic facts. It's going to be trash.

If you use it to improve your spam filter it will be amazing at it.

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