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This time it's arcane timezone shit, particularly the missing day at the boundary where Samoa crossed/moved the international dateline.

Without knowing it, musl actually was already following the POSIX-future requirements for how dates on the nonexistent day get normalized. glibc was found to have a wacky bug misinterpreting dates even just *near* the nonexistent day. πŸ™ƒ

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It's always hilarious when a thread that starts out as "musl has a bug!" ends up finding that nearly every implementation but #musl has a bug (all different, no less!)

i wish life was like an anime so i could have a training arc

@aris It is, but this distills it down to something that is easy to understand by most people.

Who is the threat actor?

What do they want?

Why do they want it?

Developers should make "abuser stories" a thing.

"As an stalker,

I want to track my ex's every move,

so that I can 'coincidentally' run into them at any time."

"As a thief,

I want to be able to reset passwords using SMS verification,

so that I can compromise any account by bribing a telco employee."

Gentlemen, there's a depressed boy piloting a giant robot and sweeping through our troops, how shall we proceed?

"Deploy the twink"

These are leaf sheep (Costasiella kuroshimae). They live in the sea, grazing on algae.

@gremlins the wiki literally starts with "Not to be confused with a plaid fabric." I wash my hnads in innocence

help my partner keeps mixing up flannel and plaid, and while i understand *why* how am i supposed to describe flannel texture except for "plaid pants when they're new but only the flannel ones not the regular cotton ones"

@eater NOT to be confused!!!!! NOT! DON'T CONFUSE THEM

you silly creature

Azure: you're running Windows, you hate yourself, probably both
Google: you have transcended beyond such earthly requirements as "customer service" or "services that don't get deprecated in three years"
Hetzner: you run a herd of carefully groomed pets and not cattle
OVH: wot is dis "uptime" ov which u speek
Oracle: lol
Some Guy LLC: I would rather sign up with Oracle

I don't know why this happens so often

screen space reflections reflect things that are visible on the screen

the things a mirror should show are explicitly not things that are on the screen

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Vesna: Dogs to Watch Out For Masterpost (Boosts and feedback appreciated!)

#Vesna #Vdtwof #Comics #Furry #Art

Puzzle #289
Ooo! I actually solved today's connections puzzle. I usually completely fail at these.

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Computer Fairies

Computer Fairies is a Mastodon instance that aims to be as queer, friendly and furry as possible. We welcome all kinds of computer fairies!