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Playing RPGs as a kid: ok I get fire damage and lightning damage, and I can even see cold damage, but wtf is water damage

Playing RPGs as an adult homeowner: oh fuck

do you ever have that thought

the thought where instead of doing your thing in an ad hoc way you're going to define a new file format to configure it in

and instead of writing the parser for the file format in an ad hoc way you're going to write the best parsing/lexing/generation/transformation framework there has ever been

so that when you finally get around to actually doing your thing, it'll be easy?

Long ago when you ran your app in Xcode it was pretty rare for you to see junk logs emitted from core frameworks that you don't control.

Nowadays just a simple SwiftUI control can regularly emit autolayout constraint warnings that we can't even address.

This log shows the first few lines of an app I just started working on. Only 1 line here is relevant to me, the rest is noise I can't hide or address.

proposal: a game that is just a creative management game engine and you can download mods that additively combine prisons, theme parks, hospitals, factories, restaurants, cities, beaver cities, etc.

dad bought himself a Smart Lightbulb and i did manage to get it to work with his phone but also confirmed that you can't actually control it if the router isn't connected to the internet.

in a democracy, freedom of speech serves to allow people to punch up without repercussions to their human rights

and you can recognise the fascist by the way he instead treats freedom of speech as if its purpose is to allow him punching down.

This served as a reminder to delete as many apps as I possibly could. Thanks Apple. And by “Thanks,” I mean

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Computer Fairies

Computer Fairies is a Mastodon instance that aims to be as queer, friendly and furry as possible. We welcome all kinds of computer fairies!