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I've found compiler bugs before, but this is the first compiler-compiler bug I've ever seen – incredible stuff:

Capital is dumping its resources into AI because it believes it will advance capital's interests of further accumulation of labour's products. It does not matter in the short term that capital is sorely mistaken. Much like a bad king, capital's misallocation reduces output available to labour too (by preferentially allocating resources to those who participate in the squander). We will suffer this for so long as we permit capital to make macro allocative decisions.

Horrible when those in charge make decisions that make your life much harder for purely selfish reasons without giving a crap about your situation, isn't it. Just awful.

if you build electronic devices which contain a raspberry pi in them, consider what will happen if one of them gets thrown out.
someone might open them up, stick the microSD card in them into a reader, and open up that tantalizing "apps.json" file which has YOUR GOD DAMN AWS KEYS? IN UNENCRYPTED PLAIN TEXT?

i'm finally opening up boxes of software from my archive that haven't seen the light of day in 15-20 years. today, i found a program that has never been archived or probably seen in over 40 years.

i absolutely adore this dungeon mastering program for the TRS-80 that was distributed in ziplock bags in 1982

i can find only one mention of it on the web - the august 1982 issue of TRS-80 Rainbow magazine that advertises it for $19.95 + S&H

happily, i found the cassette, which has never been archived anywhere AFAIK. i am scanning in the printed documentation, along with making a recording of the tape.

#gamePreservation #trs80 #tandy #retroComputing #retroGaming

something that struck me when playing a Star Wars game is how *weird* it feels to say “four-hundred year old computer”

like, to them that’s normal. and for most of the rest of history, it will also be normal

but to us specifically, we who live at the transitional era—it’s weird!

With the (perfectly reasonable) discourse around folks working in tech who are on board with baking surveillance into everything, I guess I need to tell the story of the psychiatrist who didn't understand why someone wouldn't do that.

A couple of years back I was hospitalized for 24x7 monitoring while they were trying to figure out what was causing my seizures. This involved a certain amount of poking, prodding, and talking to specialists, including psychiatrists.

(I have two psychiatrist stories from this hospitalization, this is just the first one.)

Anyway, the psychiatrist in question was asking me about my career and what I do (because I live in the Bay Area, and the hospital in question is right in the middle of Silicon Valley). I was talking about what I did, and why, and I happened to mention that there are things that I won't work on, which has impacted my career over the years (and which I regret not in the slightest). This included telling recruiters for Palantir to go away, and not developing certain kinds of bots for my exocortex because there are ethical concerns.

Basically, the psychiatrist kept asking me questions because she couldn't figure out why someone she thought was a pretty standard Silicon Valley techbro would refuse to work on surveillance or tracking technologies. Absolutely couldn't wrap her head around it. Why would someone care about second- and third-order impacts? Why would I care about abusive realtionships?

She might've been prodding me to see how I'd react (which would make sense as a diagnostic technique), but I'm pretty sure she didn't know I was listening in on her talking with a colleague in the hallway about me (hey, she's not talking about anybody not me, I can do that) about why I'd be so preoccupied with not wanting to hurt other people.

This lead to another couple of consultations with another group of psychiatrists, which I think very nearly got me 5150'd as delusional.

But. The point I'm trying to make is this: When it comes to Silicon Valley, thinking that any of the surveillance stuff going on right now - Palantir, drone tracking, privacy, all the way down to stuff along the lines of Microsoft Recall - is harmful and probably shouldn't be done is considered deeply weird. Possibly pathologically weird.

I don't know. That's just a couple of data points. Back to work.

CompilerFax: Sending C source code via telefax to a compiler-as-a-service which then faxes you the output of your program; demo: git: intended for #emfcamp #retronetworking #whatagreathack

So there's always the debate between QWERTY and alphabetical keyboards, but everyone is missing the obvious way to solve this disagreement.

There's no reason the alphabet HAS to be in that order. It's arbitrary, and English would work almost completely the same if the alphabet was in a different order, you know?

So, let's just put the alphabet in QWERTY order!
It'd solve all our problems from Q to M.

Watching Microsoft shut down a bunch of game studios that they literally just acquired is giving me flashbacks to "embracing" and "extinguishing".


am doll :

fm doll:

if you have a computer you no longer use, consider donating it to your local Linux Creature.

Linux Creatures must install linux on a new device every few months in order to survive, and you may end up getting a useful computer out of it to boot.

(if the Linux Creature decides to hand it back to you instead of keeping it for their silly little experiments)

my home is basically uninhabitable and my landlord is fucking me over and i basically have to move extremely soon. it's a great day to buy any of my recent games, like Forgotten Palaces, The Dashing Young Captain or The Hole in Your House!

LB: Great! Now we only need a Swedish study that shows that masks works for them for finally maybe recommend that people use them here

Maybe I'm being harsh, I have not kept up with what Folkhälsomyndigheten is saying recently, but there seems to be a tendency in much of Swedish healthcare in general to ignore studies not done here, and ignore what policies are in place in other countries

A new gold standard review of 100 studies finds:

- masks are effective in reducing transmission of respiratory diseases

- N95 respirators are significantly more effective than medical or cloth masks

- mask mandates are effective in reducing community transmission

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Computer Fairies

Computer Fairies is a Mastodon instance that aims to be as queer, friendly and furry as possible. We welcome all kinds of computer fairies!