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idk why but this is the funniest sequence of youtube titles/thumbnails to me

nothing is universally accessible, though some things are near-universally inaccessible.

conflicting access needs are what happens when two disabilities, or even two instances of disabilities broadly considered "the same", have needs wherein one cannot be fulfilled in the same space at the same time as the other.

some examples of this include:
- folks who need quiet time and a lack of loud interruptions vs folks who need to make loud noises or cannot control doing so via tics and such
- ppl who need light mode vs ppl who need dark mode
- ppl who need linux vs mac vs windows' various features (ie, screen reader support vs deep customizability and ability to change how everything functions, not having intrusive UI changes forced upon you every update, etc)
- needing specific content warnings vs needing to be able to talk about things that are fundamental to your everyday life without slapping a warning on every other post

this concept is a big reason why providing more *choice and autonomy* is an improvement on accessibility in many cases. and, of course, every space can stand to be more accessible.

like, linux SHOULD have more screen reader support and many more accessibility features, just as windows SHOULD stop putting fucking ads in people's faces and fucking with privacy And And And etc. a space full of lots of loud things or expecting many people should have quiet spaces for rest where u can escape the noise.

but i think it's utterly unhelpful to think about these things as "this space is accessible!"

accessible to whom? how? you cannot simply say something is More Accessible than another thing without specifying who it's accessible to.

I feel like most in-house software is tacitly released under the Hot Potato Licence.

The other day I came across a website that just didn't work in firefox, Not a webapp, just an ordinary website. Kinda unnerving, tbh.

By the way, this survey from a few months ago says 66% of "experienced advertisers" run adblock, higher than the American average of 52%.

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More and more websites have anti-adblock measures these days, some going so far as to tell you to uninstall your ad blocker altogether. I understand the impulse, but you are basically telling your users to meaningfully reduce their security for your benefit.

touchscreen this, ai that, where can i get a laptop with a real bell for \a (␇)

crime pro tip: if u get caught running a massive fraud scheme in a particular way u probably shouldnt pull the exact same scheme on an even bigger scale again with zero changes to the plan besides who you're targeting

it fits with how tf2 makes heavy use of pretty cartoonish fonts, which are clearly vector and always look sharp, come to think of it

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@hikari A quirk on the "it's that old?" element is TF2 was groundbreaking for using SDFs. Like, it seems to have been the event that popularized SDFs, when I first got into SDFs a lot of the early stuff written about it referenced TF2 and I think a paper that was written about it

wait, sdf rendering of text 1) only requires using alpha testing, you don't even need shaders, 2) is in team fortress 2?

i had no idea it was that old or that simple to implement, damn

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Computer Fairies

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