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If you want to stand in solidarity with the Internet Archive, go to for multiple petitions you can sign. If you’re in the US, you can also contact your legislators. We have over 30,000+ petition signatures already. How many more can you help us get this week?

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Tomorrow, the @InternetArchive is appealing in court for the right to own and preserve digital books, including half a million books that this suit forced them to remove from their library.

But it’s not book banners they’re up against, it’s Big Publishing.

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While the neoliberal class within the Democratic Party panics following Biden's predictably disastrous performance, the real debacle lies with the authoritarian and draconian policies pushed by both candidates.

For decades, Biden has helped inflame the very conditions which immiserates life for poor and working people in the US: endless war, corporate globalization, stagnant wages, crippling inflation and sky-rocketing rents, an exploding ecological crisis, government crackdown on social movements, mass incarceration, and the militarization of the police.

Its growing anger at this reality that has allowed fascists like Trump - a billionaire backed by a growing section of the elites - to paint himself as a faux alternative to the neoliberal Center.

True to his racist core, Trump spent much of the debate defending the January 6th attempted coup and also blaming immigrant workers for inflation - which in reality is caused by price gouging corporations - who Trump wants to again cut taxes on.

As a record breaking heat wave hits the US and whole states go up in flames, poor and working-people struggle to make ends meet in the midst of this "great" economy. Meanwhile, both corporate parties seek to convince people they have the solutions to problems that they have helped create.

But the ruling class only seeks to manage this disaster - not get us out of it. In reality - our only hope lies in our ability to organize and fight back, building vibrant movements that can create and sustain new forms of life within this collapsing civilization of war, exploitation, and ruin.

Faith in the institutions is collapsing because they are being exposed for what they are. Let's work to make sure that what comes next builds power from below, not imposing it from above.

i'm surprised, given that the complete game logic is pretty well understood nowadays, that nobody has made a romhack of the original super mario bros which features both right and left scrolling. obviously it would be buggy in a bunch of ways unless you put tons of effort into it, but it seems like a fun intermediate-level project for the 6502 nerds

tablegen be like yo dawg i heard u like templates so i made templates for your templates so you can have quadratic compile times while you have quadratic compile times

I turned on my phone's mobile hotspot and couldn't remember what SSID I gave it.

but I checked the list from my laptop and found "FCC Party Van" so I'm pretty sure that's it

In Safari’s “reader mode” so many websites are confusing, esp newspapers, magazines & journals

Disable reader mode & see the problem: headings, blockquotes & image captions styled visually only, without basic semantic markup

wtf webdevs?

Essential #accessibility STARTS w #SemanticMarkup that designates what’s a heading, what’s a block quote, what’s an image caption…

Semantic #HTML is not new. Even #HTML5 is 16 YEARS old! Use the tools handed to you

/me stops shaking fist, gets off soapbox

So, summary:

* There was no need to explain a well known MSVC runtime function that is 14 assembly instructions long and only calls a single function.
* The model wrote a 72 lines bullshit explanation for a 14 assembly lines long function.
* The model hallucinated a different function and explained what it hallucinated.
* Someone just polluted IDA's Lumina Server with bullshit AI shit.

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I have just discovered that a function's comment added to a MSVC well known runtime function added by IDA's Lumina Server was generated using an AI tool for IDA.

Please don't. I fucking hate it.

BTW: The code for the function that the LLM model is trying to explain *is hallucinated* and does not even correspond to the real function.

Your automated transcription software should retain swearing. Don't enforce American Puritanism, thanks.

My robot girlfriend ties me up, gets out the windows 98 install disc, and tells me the safeword is "setup /is /ie /iv"

Me: *Trying to let go of the past and live in the present.*

iPhone: Here are 20 slideshows of people who ruined your life.

This guy was a key figure responsible for making Linux work with Broadcom and Realtek wireless chips. He was quietly a giant in FOSS, because he brought together some of the most important missing links to a working Linux machine.

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Computer Fairies

Computer Fairies is a Mastodon instance that aims to be as queer, friendly and furry as possible. We welcome all kinds of computer fairies!