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David and I were extremely conscious of the rise of Facebook in Tumblr's early days, and specifically designed it NOT to want or display your real name anywhere.

It was in direct response to that trend.

We wanted Tumblr to be a place where you could write as whoever you wanted to be, with no forced associations with people you knew in "real life" and no discoverable links to your “real" identity.

Anonymity isn't without its issues, but people need outlets like that.

hi, im jordan. im kind of a computer nerd who likes to draw silly creatures. i love to meet new folks so you can message me if you want! ^^

There's a phenomenon that's plaguing news, that also is at the core of finance/market bullshit, as well as lying with statistics, that I call "chasing higher and higher derivatives".

Basically, rather than looking at whether something is up/down, good/bad, whatever, looking at whether it's increasing/decreasing. But then that's not enough. Whether the rate of change is increasing or decreasing. Repeat.

Somebody should invent a very small AI which was carefully nurtured to grow within the limited space of a single PC and name it Bonsai Buddy

Declaration of friendship

I found this conversation amusing. we've been friends for multiple years at this point lol


"Your files are exactly where you left them."

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On the bright side it appears I've fixed the configuration issue where every time Windows installed an update and force rebooted, it would always automatically boot from there into the Linux partition. That was kind of funny actually. "Hey, Microsoft's made some improvements".

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don't follow people who spend all their time sneering at people and concepts they don't like, it's not good for you

mr president how open are you to taking the voigt-kompf test

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Dear young people:
Facebook started the practice of people using their real names on social media.

This is why you don't know that the Internet was generally like this before the age of social media. The Internet has returned to normal in this one regard.

Us old farts are used to insane screen names.

seriously can websites stop trying to claim "we respect your privacy"

if your website does any of the following, you do not respect my privacy:

  1. have a cookie banner
  2. require more than one click to reject all non-essential cookies
  3. call personalized advertising a "feature"
  4. call telemetry "help improve our site"
  5. have a "do not sell my personal information" link anywhere
  6. require the person to live in california to use that link

me: when you think about it, all i'm really doing is holding a mirror up to society. it's good that i did it

authority figure: do you even know what crime you're being accused of

me: no

@Nifflas sorry, as a signal processing person, I have yet to see anything that can beat "lombscargle"

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Computer Fairies

Computer Fairies is a Mastodon instance that aims to be as queer, friendly and furry as possible. We welcome all kinds of computer fairies!