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oh, the reason a head or brain transplant is just not viable is that the brain isn't really an isolated organ, the spinal chord is an extension of it, or equivalently, the brain is an extension of the spinal chord. they're even made of the same stuff? i had no idea

me when i'm programming:

$ git commit -a

me when i'm writing music:


i hate how you can almost viscerally feel the end of the zirp with how every website has gotten more aggressive with trying to upsell you on its premium version. youtube no longer avoids showing ads where it would feel like it's too much; soundcloud is now deliberately annoying

Peach, Redrawn

everyone's doing redraws of that Peach sprite, so I thought I'd come back from my break to try and do my take on it!

#MastoArt #FediArt #PixelArt #Art #Fanart #SuperMario

‪maybe the cultural problem with c and c++ is a lack of humility. people have staked their egos on being Smart Enough To Write Correct C. but nobody is immune from error. no amount of skill can completely save you from eventually cutting yourself if you work with sharp knives‬

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I wrote a proposal for memory safety in C++. It's in this month's WG21 mailing.

🔥🔥🔥 Sean is doing amazing work here, i hope this gets the reception it deserves. maybe there's hope for c++!

did you know? there will be no eMMC devices made after 2025. This is a scientific fact

Mozilla, reading the room extremely well, seemingly just recently flipped the switch to enable-by-default sponsored weather results from AccuWeather in every new Firefox tab you open. Clicking "Learn more" takes you here, with zero information on if your location is sent to AccuWeather every time you open a new tab:

Probably only noticed because I normally have a blank new tab page but this showed up after updating Firefox!

ublock origin is great and so don't take this the wrong way but I've never understood why it doesn't have a they-live mode where instead of removing the ads altogether they get rendered as greyscale messages like "OBEY" / "CONSUME" / "DO NOT QUESTION AUTHORITY"


i bet uncompressing a zip feels really good for the files inside

I'm really struck by reviews calling Jesse Faden "normal" because she lacks the bravado and zest of typical videogame female protagonist, specifically telling that she's "youthful" and "normal", like Whitelight does.

I've been playing Control and through my entire playtrough, DLCs and such, I was extremely convinced that Jesse is fucking autistic or at least in some way neurodivergent and found it to be utterly exciting.

so i did something totally insane. the local electronics store was closing down and so i (and two friends) purchased THEIR ENTIRE STOCK OF INTEGRATED CIRCUITS. and today i finally finished organizing my share into these 12 cabinets. 🧵

with cohost closing up shop, i've migrated my video essay review blog to tumblr. check it out and follow if you feel so inclined!

I don't worry about arbitrary code execution because all my code is arbitrary.

Thanks to, I found some of the original photos used for the Ford Simulator II. These were all in the 1990 Ford Lineup brochure. Some of the backgrounds were modified, but here are at least four matches based on car posture:

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This is a proposal to expand the tried tl;dr standard for further usecases.

The authors propose

pw;dr - paywall; didn't read
ai;dr - ai, didn't read

This is a draft.

but it's such a weird mismatch because in terminator sarah connor was attacked by a time traveling killer robot from the future sent to kill her unborn chosen one hero son. so it makes sense that she went fucking apeshit making preparations and training her son to fight.

in halloween, laurie strode avoided murder in a home invasion. not downplaying the trauma of that but the idea that she and michael are cosmically linked is a real stretch. good thing they didn't hinge an entire trilogy on that

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Computer Fairies

Computer Fairies is a Mastodon instance that aims to be as queer, friendly and furry as possible. We welcome all kinds of computer fairies!