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My least favorite thing about the modern commercial internet is when I'm very clear about what I want, and I can't find it, because the search engines are helpfully "correcting" my search to make it make sense.

No, I don't want a device that scales analog video to HDMI, I want a device that takes HDMI and scales it to analog video! that's the exact opposite of what I want!

So Cards Against Humanity just sued M*sk for ruining a piece of land they bought in Texas for their customers...


I remember thinking “damn, covid is gonna suck but people gotta support universal healthcare after this” and that just… didn’t materialize.

Then I was like “wow, long covid sounds bad but at least this we’ll get more people to research ME/CFS and such” but now it seems like long covid is just gonna get swept under the rug like ME/CFS has this whole time.

I’m sick of this shit.

I was off on the keyboard and instead of "systemctl list environment" I wrote "ayarwmns liar wncieonmwnr"

Huh, you expected me to bring food? No no, you have hired a professional catearing service, not a catering service! gently puts a pair of cat ears on your head

the Swedish police have started seizing shipments


The universe is all matter, no antimatter because in the second after the big bang, all matter/antimatter mutually annihilated leaving *slightly* more matter.

But imagine there's a part of the universe (now outside our lightcone) with *slightly* more antimatter, so antimatter won.

Science fiction story concept: Rogue rocky planet, no star, life evolves anyway because it's close to the matter/antimatter dominance interface & half the sky is pure light from mutually annihilating distant galaxies

Ik im preaching to the choir on here, but I do genuinely get the pushback from cloudbrained ppl that "we don't need #p2p data infra because Amazon is giving it to us for free rn, and if they stop the NIH would step in because they dont want to lose all the data"

Whelp, an enormous set of 12 databases of pathogen data just went poof when the funding dried up. The only way they are able to bring back a temporary static copy is because other foundations and universities stepped in, but aside from the death of the active databases, how long will that last?

P2P data infrastructure is not some radical pie in the sky Pipedream. It is the only means for making sustainable nonprofit repositories of scientific data. It's open data that's the pipedream without P2P.

Not only can it be done in a way thats compatible with existing cloud infrastructure, it would be strictly additive to its capacity, and in the case that funding dries up, can continue to exist as long as it is useful to the people affected, who can combine whatever storage and bandwidth resources they have.

The alternative of continuously needing to recreate databases, catastrophic loss, and eventually the NIH becoming totally beholden to paying increasing fractions of its tiny budget to AWS spells a grim, grim future for open data.

I've written about this before, and am working on it, but every time this happens my Cassandra complex grows greater:

The db in question:

#VectorBase #VEUPathDB #OpenData #OpenScience

As a reminder, modern standards of "cleanliness" for households were developed during a period when the wife in a family was expected to stay home and take care of the household full-time.

So if you are a single, or if you are part of a family where _both_ spouses work full time, and you just seem to catch up with the household chores: Don't blame yourself! This is perfectly normal, and people and media telling you otherwise are putting pressure on you which is wholly unjustified.

Sure, households _should_ be cleaned now and then, but having them remain clean _all_ the time is an impossible standard in today's world for anyone who cannot afford outside domestic aid.

can a anthropomorphic garlic and a vampire truly be in a loving relationship

Today on #lorelore I’m introducing a metaphor I use to talk bout mental health: wasabi emotions vs habanero emotions.

As any fan of culinary pain can tell you, wasabi can be very painful but the pain subsides quickly. On the other hand, habaneros have a heat can take much, much longer to pass.

By analogy, wasabi emotions can be very powerful, but they’re fleeting, while habanero emotions linger long after the inciting event has passed. This applies to both good and bad feelings.

More soon…

as i've said before, the world relies on most people being trustworthy and good at heart. a completely trustless society is impossible. faith in other people usually not being out to get you is what makes the world go round. so this kind of event is very very bad, i guess

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Turning Everyday Gadgets into Bombs Is a Bad Idea [because it's too cheap and simple to pull off, so there are millions of potential actors who could do it, and it's undetectable without destroying the device, so a Pandora's box has been opened]

while I'm fov-posting

minecraft's highest available FOV setting isn't a number. when you turn the slider all the way up, instead of displaying a number, it changes to say "quake pro". i like to think it's poking a tiny bit of fun at you, in a lighthearted way. "ooh, mr. bigshot over here thinks they're playing quake haha". just a funny little joke

it's 110. cowards

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Computer Fairies

Computer Fairies is a Mastodon instance that aims to be as queer, friendly and furry as possible. We welcome all kinds of computer fairies!