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Another photo from the archive: it felt great to get GenBank DNA sequences out on the table with a bit more room to breathe.


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(watching a video about wordpress drama centring on the guy who runs the project, who's called matt) wait hold up hold on a fucking second is the company called autoMATTic because of this aaaaaaa

If the Kubernetes material was honest about "your team will need recurrent annual training to remain current with this tool," adoption would crater overnight.

That's not unique to Kubernetes, though it is fun to pick on them for it. _Nearly every_ significant infrastructure tool has this shape. Organizations that adopt these tools are unable to receive their value until their staff know how to use them, and that knowledge is deeply not self-sustaining.

Yeah I use an IDE setup for programming

internal GPU
deticated GPU
external GPU

this latest edition of "Android team posting nothing but Ws for adopting Rust" is super important because it identifies that:

*you don't have to actually rewrite all your old unsafe C/C++ code to get the benefits of adopting safe languages, in terms of reducing vulnerabilites*

because they identify that most bugs are in new/changed code (with exponential decay!), so if you preferentially write new code in a safe language, your vulnerabilities crater even though most of your code is still unsafe!

silicon valley is fucking cooked man. they have absolutely nothing left. they don't even have straws to grasp at anymore.

No one responsible for Marcellus Williams' death will lose a wink of sleep tonight. Not the governor and not six six justices

But many of us who called, faxed, implored, and begged for a stay will toss and turn wondering what more, if anything, we could have done

The distribution of shame in this country is almost as imbalanced and unfair as the distribution of wealth

Cory Doctorow is on fire in this video, We can disenshittify the internet, also join a union

Completely Useless Legislation, Exhibit A:

Hungary has a new law that students have to surrender their phones at school. The phones have to be locked up, hauled around in safety boxes by teachers etc. Students get them back at the end of the day.

A friend of mine teaches high school. He noticed that when students get their phones back, they don't even turn them on, just toss them in their bag.

Decoy phones.

Seriously, no one thought about this?...

maintaining an open-source game emulator has really perverse incentives. users do not care whether your code is good or clean or properly tested. if a horrible hack gets a popular game running, they will plagiarise your WIP patch, make their own build of it, and distribute both…

…at which point it becomes very tempting to just move to a completely closed development model, where we only publish code that is complete enough to land on trunk. and already we are like half of the way there with touchHLE, but it's tempting to go all in. perverse incentives!

i would like to introduce my new GenAI, The Linguini Board

it is a truth universally acknowledged that a japanese composer writing an upbeat song must be in want of a female vocalist to sing “pa-paya”

idk. the tech job market is generally pretty fucked rn. where are the jobs that benefit normal people. my friend who works on a farm doesn't need to battle with the idea of his field funding mass surveillance. he goes out, picks vegetables all summer, and sells them to the local farm. everyone around here benefits from his work in a pretty direct way.

my options as someone versed in tech feel super limited in this sense. if i want to actively harm the world, i can work for a military contractor or in surveillance. or both. if i want to at least keep the status quo, which isn't really much better, i can sell my soul to insurance companies, banks, or someone in a financial sector. but those people aren't helping anyone in local communities.

what do i do. where are the jobs that benefit society. why did we as a society decide that technology should be used as a tool to do widespread harm. i don't want to do that.
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computer jobs are grunt work for the ultra wealthy. why did i specialize in this field.
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Computer Fairies

Computer Fairies is a Mastodon instance that aims to be as queer, friendly and furry as possible. We welcome all kinds of computer fairies!