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@hikari I hypothesize the existence of a concept called "debt", similar to technical debt, maintenance debt or infrastructure debt, except with money

‪much like national infrastructure maintenance debt, personal infrastructure maintenance debt is real and can hurt you‬

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sometime before the end of this year i am going to just let myself buy a massive nvme ssd and free myself from worrying about disk space. there's so much i've been holding back on because i haven't let myself have disk space

Once you separate yourself from online spaces where picking fights is normal, and take the time to treat your own case of internet rabies, the idea of picking a fight with a stranger online feels very, very stupid. That needs to become the norm

There's no better time to get started on something, after all, today is yesterday's tomorrow!

The existence of the common cold implies the existence of the uncommon cold and rare cold

they should invent teleportation just so i could kiss my girlfriend

type of guy that only remembers his PUK code but not his PIN

I've also inventoried 7 moving boxes that have not been unpacked since we moved about a year and a half ago

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My office floor is currently cluttered with a bag of sleeping, a bag of cables, a paper bag of paper bags, a bag of frames, a canvas bag of plastic bags, an Ikea bag of miscellaneous tools & materials, and a bag of random hats & gloves

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algorithm with a big-o the size of a small-o is completely blocking east-bound bus on cpu 7, please use caution and watch for pipeline stalls in the area

@sasha "simple" is only available as source code and requires tons of extremely obscure libraries no distro packages

"kowabunga" is made by some big tech company to try and appear relatable and cool

"birmingham" is made by someone who didn't know what to name their software so they just picked the name of the place they live in

"piss" is some program started as a joke by a bunch of teenagers 20 years ago, but now it's used by every massive corporation in the world

"greg's shell script" is the only reason why modern linux even works

linux software names:

  • Simple
  • Kowabunga
  • Birmingham
  • PISS (PISS Is Super Special)
  • greg’s shell script
@Daojoan Exactly like Zoom who want their workers in the office because remote working doesn't work. While they create software to facilitate remote working...

Roblox wants your kids to spend as much time as possible in their virtual world but they're anti-remote working because “physical spaces are better”

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Computer Fairies

Computer Fairies is a Mastodon instance that aims to be as queer, friendly and furry as possible. We welcome all kinds of computer fairies!