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"no one can explain how LLMs work, it's a black box of math"
that is because they don't work, so you can't explain something that isn't

guy who makes up human puns the way people think an anthropomorphic mouse would say shit like "cheesed to meet you" and "it's on the mouse"

"Hello. My name is Inigo Montoya. You killed my father in the thumb war. Prepare to die." *Raises thumb to challenge you to a thumb wrestle*

the age of Move Fast and Break Things is over, and we now enter an age of Move Slow Around Broken Things

"How bad were the billionaires?"
"Just one of them managed to ruin the sky for everyone. The sky."

People too deep into ‘hustle culture’ (aka scamming others) just love generative AI: «How ChatGPT nearly destroyed my wedding day»

OK, so the Israeli government just seized UN property in Jerusalem and then started firing on UN peacekeepers in Lebanon, how would any of this be reported if it wasn't the #1 Ally of the West in the Middle East

This place is an icebox, and part of a system of iceboxes

Highly esteemed plums are commemorated here

The plums are not present in your breakfast time, but they were in mine

What was here was delicious, so cold and so sweet

If you ever doubt that billionaires are completely alien compared to the other 99.9999% of us, remember that out of the ~400 tech billionaires out there, not a single one has stepped up with their pocket change to make a life-changing donation to the Internet Archive or the now defunct Living Computers Museum.

Out of 400 supposed techies, not a single one has an interest in data preservation or retro computing??

Clearly they have no passion for technology (if anything) beyond a means of further wealth accumulation, having more in common with the dragons of yore, sitting upon a hoard of gold and demanding further human sacrifice while giving nothing in return.

@JoshJers That is my experience too. What was stunning about Google when it launched wasn't its speed but its ability to find the answer you needed. I stopped bookmarking sites in my browser as I was confident I could find websites if I needed them again.
The results now are so unhelpful I have gone back to bookmarking and avoid using Google.

One thing that I was trying to describe to the 15-year-old is that, when I was in college, google worked *so well* to find basically exactly what you were searching for that there was a site called "Let Me Google That For You" where you could snarkily send someone their question back and they'd see it animate the process of typing their question into google, then get the search results and bam, there's the answer to their question

I would *never* consider doing that now because almost never is the first hit the actual thing you want (and, honestly, it's getting rarer that it's top 10)

i have tooted this image before but it is just so funny that i have come around to respecting it. now i think every paper should include an egregious diagram


I feel like I haven't talked enough about women lately, so let me once again say that I fucking love women, I love it when women exist, I love it when women do things, women are amazing, I want more women.

"it's part of the vibe"
"your vibe is hard to kiss?"
"...yeah. too cold to handle, too hot to hold, too hard to kiss!"

reasonably sure these were once fire doors, but they're propped open, the closer is half-removed, and the rating plates are painted over!

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Computer Fairies

Computer Fairies is a Mastodon instance that aims to be as queer, friendly and furry as possible. We welcome all kinds of computer fairies!