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FoxQuirk 🦊 boosted
FoxQuirk 🦊 boosted
FoxQuirk 🦊 boosted
FoxQuirk 🦊 boosted

wow, modern color space names are really just keysmash aren't they

FoxQuirk 🦊 boosted
FoxQuirk 🦊 boosted
FoxQuirk 🦊 boosted

Two (short) visits from Crow Friend this afternoon. Visit One:

FoxQuirk 🦊 boosted
FoxQuirk 🦊 boosted

I have a novel idea for a search engine, no-AI results, be able to blacklist domains (track how often its done), allow down-voting and up-voting results

And have a scripting language for complex searches and filtering

Google took away filter options on images over time, what if we try to add more?

I think long as we are not taking away features we are already doing pretty well

But need motto "Be evil as possible long as its still a worker's owned cooperative" somewhere in the founding docs

FoxQuirk 🦊 boosted

"Reducing Legacy Code's Carbon Footprint with AI"

FoxQuirk 🦊 boosted

So, I wrote a paper, I'm sure it'll be accepted in Nature.

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FoxQuirk 🦊 boosted

In most other teaching contexts I've always been trapped teaching the most advanced topics since I was one of a few people who *could* ... having teachers with deep math experience from a young age makes a big difference.

And when I'm working with them outside of their regular class I can work on teaching something that doesn't fit well into a "standard" ... how to *play* at mathematics.

And the students really do need it.

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FoxQuirk 🦊 boosted

I teach at a very academically rigorous school. But, there are a few things this school does that might surprise people:

1. Many teachers teach a wide range of grade levels. So you could have a teacher who *could* teach Linear Algebra teaching you in 4th grade math.

2. The school makes time for creative math and CS in addition to the regular class. So I get to work with students without pressure to get them past any particular test or goal posts.

FoxQuirk 🦊 boosted

I pushed out a minor CSS/HTML fix to the death generator. It's now got a dark mode! It inherits it from your browser, so if your browser is set to dark mode (or your OS is, and your browser is respecting that), you'll get a darkmode Death Generator.

FoxQuirk 🦊 boosted


Are systemd-timers running just enable/disable on other timers turing-complete?


FoxQuirk 🦊 boosted

Imagine wondering “When’s the next time that Christmas will be a Tuesday/Wednesday, for those sweet optimal public holidays (Jan 1st being exactly a week later)?”

Now imagine asking, idk, google or Siri or god forbid an actual calendar, instead of turning to the best tool for the job: systemd.

#systemd #linuxadmin #linux #systemd

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Computer Fairies

Computer Fairies is a Mastodon instance that aims to be as queer, friendly and furry as possible. We welcome all kinds of computer fairies!