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There's a difference between flagging membership and flagging safety or allyship.

You can't flag safety in a meaningful way. Allyship is similar.

You can _absolutely_ flag membership and this technique is very, very old and very, very powerful

Both can be easily co-opted, but that's not the point. One puts your skin in the game in a way that the other does not. One says "this is who I am" the other says "this is how you should see me"

I suspect many disagreements come down to this perception

@Njord I want to vote "They are great, never use them anymore though"

How do you feel about rechargeable batteries? Now has Generative AI Disclosure Tagging (and requires it for Assets)

Developer Update projects have a new "Generative AI disclosure" field. Projects that don't comply will no longer be indexed on their browse pages after a grace period.

#Itchio #GameDev #IndieGameDev

@quirk you can break the tiling and overlap.

tiling is like having a new assistant- at first you want them to do everything your way, and you wonder where they got their methods, and within a week its great to have all that placement done for you- you open a window, you know where it goes, you can put it where you want it to be to work with it, and all that business of placement and resizing is something you can put in the past, basically.

going back to stacking wm is so tedious- like why would i ever want to do this? but you can if you want.

Reading that AI companies and cryptocorps are looking to acquire nuclear power stations in order to supply their power needs (and, one imagines, so that they can;t just be switched off) reminds me of the plot of Superman III in which Robert Vaughn builds a supercomputer which steals power from the national grid.

#movies #80s #film

Keep finding out more weird things about Jira, it is truly a man-made horror beyond comprehension

Ok, working through all my windows and sorting them on to each virtual desktop was kinda therapeutic, good that I had previously named each desktop or it would have been much worse

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if you're cold they're cold. set your landlord on fire.

Ok, drinking more than twice as much coffee in the morning as I normally do makes me post a lot, got it

Who thought it was a good idea for the scroll wheel to be used to change a numeric value in a settings window when said window also has a (nearly invisible) scroll bar that's basically unusable so you're always expected to use the scroll wheel to navigate?

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I swear I'm not making this up, was about to add another virtual desktop – I have it set to a fixed size, considering changing that now – and I accidentally removed all of them, now I've got over 30 windows open on one desktop 😔

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I guess how you organize your workspace just has to fit with how you work and how it makes sense to you

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I love having overlapping windows, I don't see what people see in tiling window managers, tbh

The number of virtual desktops I'm using is growing, and at this rate I'll soon have as many virtual desktops and some people have browser tabs, for now it's manageable, but it's growing exponentially, help

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Computer Fairies

Computer Fairies is a Mastodon instance that aims to be as queer, friendly and furry as possible. We welcome all kinds of computer fairies!