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Fun fact a previous employer used a country's TLD as their internal domain (???) and that basically made me who I am today on the Windows networking stack

@SwiftOnSecurity I once had to deal with a customer that was running their internal network on a class A that wasn't being used. Somehow it worked for them until they tried to get some Windows machines in.
The Windows machines didn't communicate with anything on their network.
"So what unused Class A did you install your network on? 10.*?"
"No, 127.*."
"And that's been working for you?"
"Right up until we tried to use Windows. Windows is a piece of shit, can't do simple ordinary networking."
"No, Windows right here is obeying all the RFCs. Your Suns are sending out traffic they should be keeping internal. You need to renumber your entire network."

I hope this email finds you well and in good health and spirit.

@NanoRaptor Genre Reveal party. Turns out, my life's story is actually a dystopian alternative history. It explains so much.

Adult gender reveals should be a thing and we pick our own colours and everything.

*pops balloon*

*purple floods everywhere while the THX deep note sounds, then blends into nyancat played by sirenhead. glitter stars swirl on a wind scented of vanilla panna cotta*

reading through code for one of my projects to fix a small bug and came across this and actually cackled:

What happens when you twist your lens' focus ring while shooting long exposures of fireworks



Apparently when the wiki said "If you notice that some packages are not upgraded you should also try apt full-upgrade, but beware" what they really meant is "you dipshit, obviously run apt full-upgrade instead of upgrade or your install will just break completely". I now have a functioning Debian Stable

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i think maybe a lot of people out there believe that something has to be Important to be worth saving. but the only reason we know much of anything about history and culture is that so many decidedly unimportant things managed to stick around, or people actively decided to save them despite there being no obvious benefit.
i think humanity loses something absolutely essential, the world becomes so much bleaker and our spirits poorer, if we don't do this.

girl who has memorised the general midi level 1 percussion map note assignments' corresponding positions on a guitar fretboard and plays drums with a midi guitar set to channel 10

i think the reason that creative types tend to feel such a deep disgust towards ai is that taste is such a fundamental part of creative expression, and ai systems produce a perfectly average, tasteless result by default, by design. knowledge and skill are no substitute for taste

i should clarify that i'm talking about two things at once:

  • that in anime, the animation is done first, and the voice is dubbed over second to match the animation timing
  • that western animation likes making mouth shapes match pronunciation, not just (vaguely) timing
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was remarking to my gf that it's been years since i consciously thought about the fact that part of what makes anime anime is that it doesn't have lip-sync, that speech is dubbed over and is subservient to the animation, not vice-versa; the original japanese is also a “dub”

opsec pro tip: keep your friends safe by constantly forgetting things about them and forgetting to write things down
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Computer Fairies

Computer Fairies is a Mastodon instance that aims to be as queer, friendly and furry as possible. We welcome all kinds of computer fairies!