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or, you could watch this year's video, with much the same words, but re-recorded and with snow:
"We're here because we're here"

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I recommend that you watch this sometime around new year's:
"Auld Lang Syne: The Anthropocene Reviewed"

Nothing has made me appreciate electric light as much as not having had any working lamps in the bathroom for the last week

Note that birdsite is not on the list, cause I don't expect to continue using that site for much longer

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Just threw together a website with my socials on it after the latest rule change on birdsite, check it out!

I'm so glad I've put all my loose items in my handbags into a pouch, so nice not to have random crap floating around in my handbag

I'm in love with now 😍

Just did some fun stuff with iterators and I'm loving it!

LB: I relate to this because I can't change username at work, it's a little annoying to have my username contain my deadname


Had some really good vegetarian sushi today 😋

Oh, hey, I'm back, just checking, in what's going on over here?

sweden, anti-trans propaganda 

Love living in a country where state media is about to put out their 3rd anti-trans investigative "journalism" piece on national tv... 😫

r/traa post, may contain sensitive content (without image description) 

He is spitting facts.

cryptocurrency is always bad 

dredging up this post again since it got relevant again. (replied to original so you can reference it)

essentially, this blog post sold me on why every cryptocurrency will either:

a) pointlessly waste energy
b) concentrate wealth indefinitely
or the likelier c) both

since then, we've also gotten Dan Olsen's video Line Goes Up, which goes much more in depth into the social problems with cryptocurrency:

the thing I like about this post is, though: per the video, the social problems are already so abysmally bad that there's absolutely no saving the idea of block chains in general, but even if we were to entertain those and consider them somehow fixable, cryptocurrency will still be a giant waste of resources

essentially, assuming that we do give a copy of the ledger of all transactions of all time to everyone (as mentioned before, bad idea), the one big problem we need to solve is making sure transactions happen in order. if someone sees a conflict where someone sent all their money to either person A or person B, which transaction was the real one? the solution is always to pick the first one, but that requires defining "first"

luckily, there's a literal universal law that tells us how to tell if time passed, and it's the second law of thermodynamics. entropy increases with time. therefore, to increase time, increase entropy, i.e. do work whose sole purpose is to waste time.

the reason why proof of work, works, is grounded in the most indisputable law in all of science: you can bake a cake, but you can't unbake a cake. work spent is a literal measure of time.

what about proof of stake? you can take your money and use it to bid on what you think happened first, but someone sees two votes out of context as they would when first downloading the block chain, how do they know what came first? did someone cash out all their money before or after they voted?

there's no saving cryptocurrency. there definitely could be improvements in decentralised banking (i.e. not just Visa, MasterCard, and PayPal), but ultimately, this whole block chain idea isn't gonna work.

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Computer Fairies

Computer Fairies is a Mastodon instance that aims to be as queer, friendly and furry as possible. We welcome all kinds of computer fairies!