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more celeste any% run attempts
come watch at

let's go fast fast fast and crush the PB again

Of employers who forced staff back to the office, 42% said "attrition" was higher than normal, 21% said the move had actually lost them some of their "key" staff. 29% were now "struggling" to recruit altogether. Ha ha ha.

common abbreviations 

Common abbreviations:
RT - re-tweet. we don't do that here.
OH - overheard, just what it sounds like.
LB - last boost, usually addressing the contents of the poster's most recent boosted post.
EC - eye contact, which is often put behind a spoiler because it can be hard for a lot of us. please be courteous.
PH - personal health
MH - mental health
FOSS - Free and Open Source Software
GAY - this is what I am.
Cis - it's short for cisgendered, meaning that you're the gender you were assigned at birth. generally a bad idea.
Trans - it's short for transgender, meaning that you're a different gender from what they claimed you were at birth. this is a very good idea. this is what I am.
T4T - trans for trans. everyone here loves this. this is what I am.

⭐️Heyo! I'm Yenna full time freelance artist⭐️

I enjoy drawing grunge punky scenes with vibrant colors⚡️

Portfolio, comms, contact info:

#Furry #Furryart #furryartist #mastodonart #anthro


I'm Chris, a POC from a US ghetto, worked as a social worker and STEM teacher for poor, homeless, immigrant and largely non-white kids in America's inner-city slum. I'm a one-person indie game dev, and my games are personal reflections of my experiences.

I've been doing gamedev for 25+ years, my largest project to date is Neofeud, a cyberpunk adventure game. I made it while teaching full time, and homeless, w/ my wife and kids living in the back of a Mazda Tribute. Cuz America.

After a lot of painful desoldering
(my desoldering gun has a fucked tip, I've just discovered) I've dumped it.

This is the main ROM for the Laser Compumate-1: A little portable device from 1988-1989 that can do spellchecking, calulatoring, and it's a phone book.

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Best superpower? A time machine. It can travel to the past and the future. Would you like:

A: The model where you can make changes to time
B: The model that ensures the timeline stays the same

i don't want Another Twitter i want digital infrastructure that i know will still be around in 15 years

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Spinoff #1: as-of-yet unnamed planetary exploration game starring Keke!

I haven't had to think about rate limits since the good old days when I tweeted an entire genome and had to be very careful to stop them from putting me in Twitter jail. And then I had several genomes going at once bwahaha. It was an art. As quick as possible but only just. And they tried everything to stop me making accounts but I have about 80 lol

it's cool to see twitter breaking a major function of cross-platform info sharing by killing off-site embeds in exactly the same way google did by killing reader, the same way apple did by killing flash

the enemy of all infrastructural stability online is the corporation's irrational hunger for profit at all costs. just because the head of today's dragon is a fucking court jester doesn't change the fact that this will only keep happening as long as the web is a playground for venture capital

yes yes yes elon is a divorced capitalist pig who abuses his workers and demands unquestioning loyalty from his fans and loved ones, everybody laugh, it's a funny spectacle

but he isn't The problem. he is to online infrastructure what trump was to the us presidency: a walking talking exposé on how much the essential power structures that define our society run on verbal agreements and vaguely defined norms. absolutely everything we rely on is designed to be bought and plundered sooner or later

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Hi, long time no see, I think I'm gonna spend more time here now, for no particular reason

Arrays of structs gf vs. struct of array gf

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Computer Fairies

Computer Fairies is a Mastodon instance that aims to be as queer, friendly and furry as possible. We welcome all kinds of computer fairies!