@vfig Moving offtopic:
The Apple Newton had this thing called the "soup". I'd like to see someone write an overview of what that was and how it worked for an audience of modern programmers.
yes, the filesystem is stodgy and boring and has a billion shortcomings.
but it is a really solid substrate for building things on. its user-level metaphor is shallow and pretty transparent.
and proponents of replacing it always seem to end up thinking more about the features they imagine having, and less about the stodgy and boring reality of substrates.
show me that you understand that you are building new _foundations_ and i will be right there with you.
yeah, i am very sceptical of "the files & folders metaphor is bad, folks" takes.
why? because i have lived through _decades_ of software developers having that same thought and making software harder to understand and harder to use because of it.
from Windows 95's ridiculous "just put everything into My Documents"
to iOS's "well, now everything you make is locked away inside this app"
to Dropbox and iCloud's "oh we decided you didnt need that thing and deleted it from your local storage"
we invented writing to do administration. to record contracts, land titles, wills. and then we used the same materials to write down stories and poems, to do calligraphy, to write love letters and notate music. the metaphor doesnt hold us back.
I remember taking the Christmas emergency contact shift years ago, when a script pretty much bricked an entire organisation. We decided with management to sort it on Boxing Day.
While I wasn't directly involved in fixing it, I was on site, ensuring folks were fed and caffeinated.
Those folks trying to sort everything out today will be focused on that at the expense of their energy levels.
I hope there are folks in their orgs keeping them going, reminding them to stop and eat.
I'd just like to interject for a moment. What you’re referring to as Windows is in fact Crowdstrike/Windows, or as I’ve recently taken to calling it, Crowdstrike plus Windows. Windows is not an operating system unto itself, but rather another component of a fully non-functioning Crowdstrike system, made useless by the .SYS files, automated updates and blue screens comprising a full outage as defined by the news.
Well, – with /still/ struggling to find a job – maybe Fedi can help.
A (primarily) backend dev. of 7+ (going on 8) years though with frontend experience, as well (HTML, CSS/SCSS, & JS entirely familiar with and ~3 years of some React).
Primarily have worked with Java/Python and have maintained an API before; plenty familiar with REST APIs.
Looking for something entirely remote in the U. S.
Smallest domino: tired QA engineer misses an edge case.
Largest domino: Year of the Linux Desktop.
If you turn of the safety on the Holodeck, could you get pregnant from Holodeck sex? #StarTrek
"You think human civilization will survive past 2050? I appreciate your optimism and pray that you are correct. Even so, I have enough to do in just trying to get to 2050 without worrying about what comes after."
who are you medgirl131
what did you see
(the answer is apparently "a lot of papers with hormone levels and a good number of molecular structure references” based on this wikimedia commons search https://commons.wikimedia.org/w/index.php?limit=500&offset=0&profile=default&search=Medgirl131&title=Special:Search&ns0=1&ns6=1&ns12=1&ns14=1&ns100=1&ns106=1)
Trans woman, bisexual, someone's fiancée, forever a programmer, poly, and former total mess