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A little bit of capitalism in my life
A little bit of politics by my side
A little bit of sickness is all I need
A little bit of market's what I see
A little bit of supplying in the sun
A little bit of profit all night long
A little bit of desperation, here I am
A little bit of you makes me your man

US pol: I will not forgive or forget this RNC moment 

They had the signs printed in advanced. Hired a graphic designer. (Wow he did a good job.) Handed them out. Waved them proudly on television. Like they say "Lower Taxes" or something.

There is no neutral way to read this sign. It's about getting rid of people because of who they are. There is no gray area. No fig leaf. Just eliminationism.

It doesn't even say WHO or WHY.

<her> I have a funny idea. I need a scalpel
<me> *concerned noises*
<her> I have finished my funny idea.
<me> what is it?
<her> I have embedded a caffeine pill into a melatonin gummy.

I love it when people take their plushies with them on trips, and post photos of them visiting nice places! Is there an established hashtag for those kinds of photos? If not, maybe someone should think of one.

Found a new #Teams failure mode. The org switcher shows ⚠️ marks next to some of my accounts. Hovering over the icon says “There is a problem with this account. Switch for more info.” Trying to switch to that account says “Oops! We have run into issues while switching… [OK]”. Great job, guys, I certainly have more info now.

I scored 0118999881999119725.3% out of a possible 100 on the IT security awareness training. Apparently the external vendor is not amused and wants to know how I did that.

Sorry, I was taught I can't share IT related stuff with external parties 🙂

#winning #goal #timewasting


I was like LOL and then i was like ... hmm... maybe it wasn't as much of a flex as i thought haha

If you don't have

a fucking workforce pipeline

to teach people how to do the job

and if you never invest in their education

and expect them to find their own opportunities for this

while keeping workers constantly firefighting

then you will



make up

a fucking qualified worker shortage.

I have been screaming this for a decade and founded a whole-ass fucking organization to -address- this -specific fucking issue-.

You utter fucking dipshits.

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future plans:

  • set up fully functioning call booth in front yard for public use

ok so if I set alpha: false on my canvas 2d context, and then putImageData with alpha, it sets the alpha of the window in that area


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Mostly just a self reminder but maybe it’ll help you too.


until kitsune tails shines a light into the darkness on steam and itch. because there's ghosts there! ... hmm this analogy became a bit strained 🤔

wishlist via

#KitsuneTails #QueerGames #PixelArt #GameDev

Classifying testosterone as a controlled substance is harmful to trans people who need it.

The year is 2028. Kamala sits on her throne--having just canceled the election--framed by pillows saying things like "it's wine o' clock somewhere" and "don't talk to me until I've had my first spliff."

She is bored. Powerful. A combination of ozempic and a young white house fitness trainer who looks like a toned Rasputin have turned her into a goddess chiseled from stone. She uses her new milf powers to raise a simp army that overshadows the American military.

Two of her war boys drag in Joe Biden and Donald Trump, clothed in rags. They drop them to their knees roughly, their hands tied behind their back, mouths sealed with duct tape.

She swirls her oversized chalice, red fluid spilling over the sides, ruminating in her tight-fitting lulu lemon spandex full body power suit--its sleek curves accented with gold leaf. The silence is deafening.

"Kill them," she finally mutters through tight lips. "And then bring me my xanex...."

Darkness enshrouds a nation.

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Computer Fairies

Computer Fairies is a Mastodon instance that aims to be as queer, friendly and furry as possible. We welcome all kinds of computer fairies!