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oh, uh, cargo doesn't have protection against "SIGINT while downloading a crate file"? that's surprising — atomic renames are easy on *nix

it doesn't even clear the corrupted download (or tell you where it is! it's somewhere in `~/.cargo/registry/cache`)

the debugging manifesto poster I've been talking about is finally available for sale! You can get it here for $20:

In case you never noticed, the LEGO bonsai tree buds are in fact… smiling sitting pink frogs! <3

Just a reminder that LLMs have never provided actual answers to any question asked of them or any actual prompt set forth.

They have, however, provided answer-shaped responses, and we as humans are seriously lacking when it comes to telling one from the other.

Folks, a banana-shaped piece of wood is not edible, and I am embarrassed for our species that you cannot tell the difference.

‪i don't want everyone to go back to old computers, i do want everyone to be able to have a computer that empowers them for creative ends, that gets out of their way, and that is as good at running 30-year-old creative tools as it is at running whatever the hot new thing is‬

‪functionally though the difference is that i don't have a win9x computer. i have a 2017 macbook with a modern linux install and frequently use it to run old windows software in wine with a win9x theme. there's a difference,‬

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i'm not a retrocomputing person, i'm a modern computing person with respect for the past and an affection for certain old things, but mostly a belief that certain principles must not die

@hikari this has a bunch of corollaries that I like
One of them is that when we write software now, we should ideally write software that is likely to run well on HLE rather than only LLE. They way, if the machine we used to run the software originally goes away, it will be much easier to make a good enough emulator that runs fast rather than one that is slow. This way we won't require the replacement machine to be much faster than the original machine.

middle clicking links in comments on youtube now opens a tab to javascript:void(0);

@charlotte it's 2000 again the internet sucks but takes 1000x as much RAM

"gifted child" to "please somebody hug me and tell me things are going to be okay" pipeline

mono: one partner
stereo: two partners
surround: five partners and a sub

Someone hacked into my computer and made it launch 500 copies of DOSBox.

That's right. It's a DOS attack.

‪amazing that you can actually download and then reupload animated GIFs on iOS these days. filesystems, what a concept!‬

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Don't. Ever. Publish. Stuff. That. ONLY. Supports. Dark. Mode.

I mean, I know a LOT of people love dark mode, and given the benefits that darkening interfaces provides... I get it.

But there are some people (like me) who may be visually impaired. Astigmatism, for example, can make reading text that is white on dark a real PITA. An effect known as "halation" occurs, where each letter behaves as if it were a flashlight, gaining its own halo of light and making all text read more blurry than normal.

No matter how good your glasses are, astigmatism still causes you to see a little blurry—it's something you get used to. But this damn effect makes all the text read as if you don't have your glasses on, or even worse, leading to much more tired eyes or even pain.

For everyone's sake, if you really care about accessibility, respect user preferences. If you want a dark interface by default, offer a light version if the user specifies it (in web design, this would be
prefers-color-scheme: light). The same goes for light interfaces.

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Computer Fairies

Computer Fairies is a Mastodon instance that aims to be as queer, friendly and furry as possible. We welcome all kinds of computer fairies!