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The museum night was really cool and I didn't even manage to capture half of the amazing shit there. Having all branches of WTP host free events and competitions whilst showing off their literal museum stock on active tracks was so cool. Additionally literally every small art gallery could apply to participate and get posters and everything whilst big venues did special events.

I'm really looking forward to next year and will plan a proper route this time

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Have some pictures from the Warsaw museum night public transport (Nikon D7000, 28-80mm zoom)

it has been [ 0 ] days since i typed my work laptop password into my personal laptop

it has been [ 0 ] days since i typed my personal laptop password into my work laptop

WOW. That's a *huge* shift in just one year. It's wonderful to see @godotengine doing so well and loved by so many people.

#godot #GodotEngine #gamedev #unity #GMTK #GMTKJjam

@TechConnectify This was the article that convinced me that I was sleeping on the value of video and YouTube specifically. And in retrospect I can’t imagine how I ever thought I would rather try to learn how to adjust a door closer (or change a car tire, or do a judo throw, or any of a thousand other things I could learn on YouTube every day) by reading an article

So next time someone shares a YouTube video with you and you want to be a stick in the mud about that, remember that everyone has their own paths to knowledge *and* their own way to spread knowledge.

"this could have been an article"

Yeah it could be, and in fact it is! Anyone could look up door closers on Wikipedia and get the gist of my video's information.

But many millions of people don't even know they're called door closers. Hell, I didn't! Not until I needed to install one.

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Ya know what? I'm gonna toot my own horn today On Here Specifically.

I have already received at least a dozen thankful comments/replies for letting people know they can slow down door closers. A lot of people have been living with irritating bangs in apartment buildings and whatnot.

And thanks to watching a YouTube video, their life is now better. I didn't sell anything to them, I just decided to share some knowledge in my own (hopefully entertaining) way.

Scour is a Decepticon cleaner. She infiltrates the janitorial departments of government buildings to steal important secrets. Don't let her small size fool you, she can and will kill you if you track mud into the Decepticon secret base.

#transformers #oc

Did a #Transformers Decepticon vacuum cleaner, but with an entirely different aesthetic from Moptimus Prime.

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Hightail Creations on Youtube made an absolutely amazing 3d printed Moptimus Prime toy. I want to print one out for myself. But I also wanted to take a stab at designing a Moptimus Prime myself.

My design is a lot more complicated and it uses up all the space in the mop bucket, in order to give Moptimus arms and thighs. The legs are split too. Of course its a lot easier to doodle than to CAD and print.


saw a friend do this and wanted to do it as well 'v'

need to be more gremlin-y irl lol

i love it when old manuals begin with “Congratulations and thank you for your purchase”. the thing you have bought is worthy of celebration!

@hikari however my experience shows that bad times *also* create weak software. from this we conclude that good software results only from the most boring, unexceptional time possible

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Computer Fairies

Computer Fairies is a Mastodon instance that aims to be as queer, friendly and furry as possible. We welcome all kinds of computer fairies!