"Don't forget: while there may be billions and billions of stars in the universe, around which may orbit untold habitable earthlike-worlds, only one harbors a world with a species intellectually advanced enough to be able to remember to like, subscribe, and comment on this video."
apparently, one possible giveaway for ai-generated art is the presence of what look like jpeg artifacts, but not present systematically, because (this person's conjecture) jpegs were part of the training data https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JBUHDvY60l0
“‘The data on extreme human ageing is rotten from the inside out’ – Ig Nobel winner Saul Justin Newman”
> Regions where people most often reach 100-110 years old are the ones where there’s the most pressure to commit pension fraud, and they also have the worst records.
I'm surprised. This is my surprised face.
@hikari Hello, I find your model here useful, but as the diagrams are from 2016, I decided to augment them with a third diagram, showing today's state of the art technology, "AI".
As this is a derivative work, I note the license, © 2016 hikari_no_yume, CC BY 4.0 (International) , still applies.
maybe the cultural problem with c and c++ is a lack of humility. people have staked their egos on being Smart Enough To Write Correct C. but nobody is immune from error. no amount of skill can completely save you from eventually cutting yourself if you work with sharp knives
(quoting https://twitter.com/seanbax/status/1834407788891525304:)
I wrote a proposal for memory safety in C++. It's in this month's WG21 mailing.
🔥🔥🔥 Sean is doing amazing work here, i hope this gets the reception it deserves. maybe there's hope for c++!
Mozilla, reading the room extremely well, seemingly just recently flipped the switch to enable-by-default sponsored weather results from AccuWeather in every new Firefox tab you open. Clicking "Learn more" takes you here, with zero information on if your location is sent to AccuWeather every time you open a new tab: https://support.mozilla.org/en-US/kb/customize-items-on-firefox-new-tab-page
Probably only noticed because I normally have a blank new tab page but this showed up after updating Firefox!
Trans woman, bisexual, someone's fiancée, forever a programmer, poly, and former total mess