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it's actually pretty difficult to find a definitive source on the distrubition of usable high purity quartz beyond "that one mine in NC dominates the market"

there is like a dozen more deposits in Norway and in China and in Australia, but I can't easily find any information on how good the quartz is, much less how easily would it be to ramp up production there

I think this is basically something only an industry insider could say

What a phenomenal project. I would love to have the spare time to work on fun projects like this.

today at work: "at a raw level the message looks fine but when the system gets it, it turns into gibberish chinese"

us: i bet you something is misdeclaring the email as UTF-16-LE

the email: misdeclares iso-8859-1 text as UTF-16-LE


Today I learned that Apple Air Pods Pro in noise cancelling mode perfectly cancels the clicking of a geiger counter. You would not know it was making a sound. I hope that this is not relevant to /your/ day.

There's really only two kinds of coffee people:

  • everything weighed, timed, and configured to perfection
  • Zubereitung nach Gefühl und Wellenschlag (so, whatever feels right, no metrology involved)

curious poll: what's your level of experience with mahjong?

before assuming your problem is imposter syndrome, consider the possibility that the job you’re being asked to do doesn’t make any damn sense

"On July 29, the Gaza-based Ministry of Education announced that 39,000 high school students from the Gaza Strip did not take the Tawjihi exam this year, with 10,000 of them killed alongside 400 school teachers.

"The Government Media Office said that since the beginning of the war on Gaza, the Israeli army had completely destroyed 125 schools and universities and partially destroyed 336 schools and universities.

"The assault on education is mirrored in the genocidal onslaught on all other sectors that make society in Gaza function, from healthcare to food systems to waste management facilities. But one of the most insidious parts of targeting the educational sector is that it aims to erase children’s future."

@palestine #Palestine #Israel #Gaza

So, in this video we can see a wonderful example of social technology. When the mountain guides start singing to calm people down.

i know this is difficult to believe but the vast majority of human experience does not happen on the computer

very sad that cohost is going. maybe its unique genre of posting, the css crime, will go with it. well, i'm glad that there's this worthy goodbye to it

@hikari I hypothesize the existence of a concept called "debt", similar to technical debt, maintenance debt or infrastructure debt, except with money

‪much like national infrastructure maintenance debt, personal infrastructure maintenance debt is real and can hurt you‬

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sometime before the end of this year i am going to just let myself buy a massive nvme ssd and free myself from worrying about disk space. there's so much i've been holding back on because i haven't let myself have disk space

Once you separate yourself from online spaces where picking fights is normal, and take the time to treat your own case of internet rabies, the idea of picking a fight with a stranger online feels very, very stupid. That needs to become the norm

There's no better time to get started on something, after all, today is yesterday's tomorrow!

The existence of the common cold implies the existence of the uncommon cold and rare cold

they should invent teleportation just so i could kiss my girlfriend

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Computer Fairies

Computer Fairies is a Mastodon instance that aims to be as queer, friendly and furry as possible. We welcome all kinds of computer fairies!