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Apparently there are 3.7 billion public IPv4 addresses and 8.1 billion people on earth and there are about 3 IPv4 addresses that lead to my computers or devices

If you happen not to be an infosec person, and would just like some advice on how to not get phished, here's one simple non-technical rule that will help:

👉 If you got a message that demands immediate action of you and is making you feel stressed – take a short break.

Deep breaths, make some tea, take a short walk.

Whatever it is, it almost certainly can wait a few minutes. And a few minutes might just be what it takes for you to figure out it's a scam, or ask someone's opinion.


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congratulations to disco elysium on being the most Leftist game to ever exist

it isn't just a perfect game, it also ended in flames due to bad operators and scammers and from those flames there's no less then 3 groups claiming to be the real successor to the original group

lmfao, I made so much money shorting the Tesla launch event. It's so much funnier to watch a bunch of shitty robots waddling around a room when you know you're about to make 5 figures overnight when the stock falls off a cliff at market open.

i am once again in the market for new earphones, the right audio channel has suddenly completely died on my current ones. rip. honestly i was not happy with them anyway, they did really sus things to my laptop

what in-ears should i buy. i'm gonna rank musician opinions higher

Latest update on the DDOS attack from @brewsterkahle (Oct 11 @ 10:22am PT):

"The data is safe.

Services are offline as we examine and strengthen them. Sorry, but needed. @internetarchive staff is working hard.

Estimated Timeline: days, not weeks.

Thank you for the offers of pizza (we are set)."

you'd really just do that? just go into a conversation raw, unprotected, with no contraceptive barrier to prevent their words directly penetrating your brain? what if they said something that made you diseased. you'd be able to do nothing about it

I like working with doubles because Double.NegativeInfinity sounds like something you'd bust out to win an argument as a kid.

reminded today of the importance of the internet archive when I wanted to show a friend the Pottermore article arguing that freeing slaves is bad but I couldn't access the Wayback Machine because the IA is down... luckily somebody backed it up on ( but there's a lot of stuff that isn't, & if the IA ever goes down for good, it'll be hard to prove things existed that were taken down, or be able to read them for yourself/show others so they can see for themselves...

it's not simply that we won't be able to read deleted things, but we won't be able to verify them or to give other people verification that it said what we claim/remembered it said... and people can claim that articles DID exist saying X but were deleted and we'd have no way of verifying it :\

if the IA ever dies for good, there's gonna be a temptation to blame them for making mistakes that caused it (not having better infosec, taking off lending restrictions to try to help at the beginning of a global pandemic that shut down the world), but if they go down, they were taken down by deliberate actions by people (book publishers, hackers) not by forces of nature

could they have played defense better? yes, could they have been less naive about how publishers would react during the pandemic, probably, but they were still deliberately targeted and we shouldn't misplace our anger

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"Hello. My name is Inigo Montoya. You killed my father in the thumb war. Prepare to die." *Raises thumb to challenge you to a thumb wrestle*

ok here's a hikari no yume certified life pro tip: if your friend who you know knows their shit in some respect recommends some kind of media to you, make sure you save the recommendation somewhere, a notes app, a text file, paper, whatever. you'll thank yourself later

the fucking Salvation Army had the nerve to send us a piece of paper mail asking for donations

so we figure it's time for our annual reminder to please not donate to the Salvation Army because their mission and their services are explicitly hostile to queer people.

Fun typo: C Plus Plz

Halfway between C And C++, it's "C Plus Please". It's got some of the OO features of C++, and instead of semicolons to end the statement, you use the keyword "please".

Otherwise the program will crash with a "You Didn't Use The Magic Word" error.

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Computer Fairies

Computer Fairies is a Mastodon instance that aims to be as queer, friendly and furry as possible. We welcome all kinds of computer fairies!