
Gonna be setting up a home server soon but I am bad at choosing names for them. X)

Give me names of fox and wolf girls from media that you know of! ^^

Bums. She's just too long to fit into the rack with a standard C13 plug. A right-angle one should fit but I don't have any to hand. x)

Xenia's in the rack! Unfortunately she's not appearing on the network so have to take her out of it tonight and find out why that is. X)

(The machine with Celestia's cutie mark on it is called "celestia" and she's our NAS. @BridleTimeout put her together. :) )

I found out why she wasn't starting up properly. She was hanging at the BIOS screen with a "No keyboard" error *facepalm"

@Jencen @renbymon @tryst That was one of the best Bond themes in the movie franchise. Tina Turner absolutely knocked that one OUT. 🥰

@dragonarchitect @renbymon @tryst My first proper bond film. My fave one, produced one of /THE/ best film video games of all time IMO.

"Use the bumper.... that's what it's for!!!"

@Jencen @renbymon @tryst My first proper Bond film was The World Is Not Enough, during a school band summer trip charter bus ride to Washington DC.

@renbymon This is giving me reminders of the fun I had setting up my NAS for the first time. Same deal, rack case with consumer innards. That error is the bane of my existence!

@PsyChuan it's next on the list! It might end up being the router/firewall when we get fibre installed.

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