Decided to play Leon B after dinner and another A ranking! :3

Also unlocked Hunk and two of the special weapons but forgot to grab screenshots. ^^;

Starting to think that maybe I could speedrun RE2? Sure the top ranks are two hours shorter than this, but getting on the leaderboard at all would be pretty cool.


Having a hard time finding a written guide/route notes for of (1998) Leon A; they're all like three to four hour long video guides. I suspect the discords have written guides but I don't want to join yet another discord just yet.

So I'm just watching a run and making my own notes!

(PS the video guides look good but it's hard for my ADHD brain to focus on them, that's why I'm looking for written notes)

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@renbymon is gamefaqs not around anymore? That sites whole thing is written guides.

@sudoaptgetlife Unfortunately nothing speedrun related. I know the game like the back of my hand but the runs use a specific route and that doesn't appear to be written down anywhere on the web.

It wasn't a huge deal to make my own notes, was just a surprise that I couldn't find anything other than videos.

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