I didn't get time to work much on my #renamon #fursuithead but was at least able to mock up some eyes and print them out to see what they'll look like.
Then I discovered that we're out of colour ink, lol.
I want to go with "follow-me-eyes" but at least the standard old-school eyes will work okay. Also I'm not aiming for cute but it's nice that it does look cute by default!
Made some test "follow-me" eyes and though they didn't fit easily they were a good test to see how deep they needed to be to get the effect to work properly, given that the eyes are kinda narrow. I think 19mm (3/4") is about the right depth for the effect!
Just an FYI this is my first time trying to make a fursuit. The 3D printed base is from Schneepardi on Etsy.
I'm not sure if I'm gonna end up using the straps in the final product as I've got to build up the jaw/cheeks and ears and given they're further back it might just be easier to enclose my head fully in foam.
Gonna look at some more tutorials and see if I can find a better solution.
@quincyotter Yeah I definitely want to have stiff/solid ears! Thanks for the info! 💛💜
@renbymon I'm not sure if this helps or not, but back in about 2009-2010 I built a Zangoose fursuit which has somewhat similar solid ear stalks as a Renamon would.
In that case, where I was going for as on-model as I could with an human inside I wound up affixing carved foam to some fairly thin carved foam above the eyes near the top-back of the "skull." The end result looked pretty good, but was impractical in a lot of circumstances where I was not standing.
I recognize that in your case this would be beyond the 3D printed area, and require building up / affixing some carved foam or risk floppy ear stalks built on just fur.
Something to at least think about though - go off model with floppy or semi-floppy ears using a fun foam or similar ear support (curved triangle of ~2mm thick foam).
I'm planning on building a Zangoose v2 once I get a workshop set up with this method instead of the on-model rigid foam ear stalks.