
Just an FYI, if you get a message like this from someone on discord then it’s a scam.

I just got this and it set off alarm bells; why would discord ask someone to message me instead of messaging me directly?

A few minutes of googling and I confirmed that 1) discord does not deal with violations in this way and 2) that it’s a scam to steal your account and likely some money too.

This is how discord deals with violations:

@renbymon That one's been going by for a while, but the fake Discord letter is a new one.

I can see a few scam hallmarks there, though -- these turn up often:
"This must only be investigated by us", ie. don't tell anyone.
"State's federal law team" to give it an air of officialdom
"12-hr timeframe" - to try and get you to rush through without thinking
And finally, the crap English and misuse of long words!

The first two are to try and stop the victim from finding out it's a scam.

@renbymon there are scammers on steam with a very similar scheme.

"I accidentally reported you, very sorry. But you can use this [phishing site] support link to tell the support it was a mistake"

and then they phish your account data and use it to contact people from your friends list

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