Uncontrollable shivering at 2am is just what I needed. Turned my bedroom heating up to 22°C, upgraded my jammers to fleecy, donned a woolly hat, and set my electric blanket to gas mark 2, and I'm still cold.
@tryst I had a similar things a few months ago; hope you feel better really soon dear 💜
@renbymon @tryst and what I had over Xmas. O.< Hope it clears quickly and you are back to your usual self soon *soft squeeze*
Computer Fairies is a Mastodon instance that aims to be as queer, friendly and furry as possible. We welcome all kinds of computer fairies!
@renbymon @tryst and what I had over Xmas. O.< Hope it clears quickly and you are back to your usual self soon *soft squeeze*