Also for those of you who think Mozilla's new TOS is bad, wait till you read the AUP.

You're not allowed to watch porn or read smutty fics anymore.


@mircoxi I had a feeling it was gonna end up this way, and with most modern browsers being built on Chromium or Gecko it's hard to know what to use as an alternative. :|

@renbymon Yeah, it sucks... it double sucks that Firefox was already kind of a second class citizen anyway. I've had to have an install of Chrome as a backup for the last 15 years anyway because so many sites just don't work *quite* right in Firefox... especially when it comes to banks :')

@renbymon @mircoxi Am I misreading this, or doesn't the AUP only affect Mozilla Services (where Firefox is not a Service but a Program; services are stuff like Firefox Relay or VPN).

@mircoxi @renbymon That is peculiar, are you sure this is not a mistake on their end? It might be worthwhile to reach out to them directly and clarify the issue. Regardless of what one thinks about it, it is not compatible with Firefox having a Free Software status...

@pkal @renbymon Not sure, I'll admit I'm not hyper-aware of what exactly entails Free Software, but looking at for the TOS page, it was added within the last couple of days - so my assumption is that this is a deliberate, probably calculated move, and I wouldn't be surprised if the Mozilla version of Firefox changes licence soon.

@mircoxi @renbymon Being Free Software should mean that the author cannot restrict the user by any agreement to use the software in one way or another.

My point/hope is just: If it was added in the last few days, I wouldn't be surprised if they just didn't think of updating the other site that points to the AUP.

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