cw: eye contact in photos
Got a couple of 3D printed wolf muzzle masks because I couldn't decide on just one and I want one for when I'm DJing!
I'm thinking the first one is probably what I'm gonna go with, but I'm gonna clean then up and put straps on first. :3
@trans_lykanthropie I wanna paint them with uv reactive paints so they're all glowy in the cloughb!
@renbymon oh zhat's going to look amazingggg :D!!!!
@trans_lykanthropie I hope so! ^.^
@renbymon :0000 zhose look so good!!!
also i love your hair omg
@limbic ahhh gosh thank you!!!
I really like it too except I'm balding on the crown of my head and it's REALLY apparent in photos :<
@renbymon ooooohhhhhhh zhey're so so cool!