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Picture of myself during my set at wearing my mask. ❀️

I wasn't sure if I was going to do this because my eyesight is bad and I can't wear my glasses and the mask at the same time, but I'm so used to my controller that I was able to mix with no problems other than having to increase the font size in Traktor!

Oh hey I don't think I've shared this here?

Me as Moira and as Reaper from Overwatch. Art by @aggrobadger!

fursuit, renamon 

Life goals!!!

P.S. This is not mine. It's the official Renamon mascot suit from mid 2000. I do really wish it was mine though, haha.

She-Ra spoilers maybe? 

She-Ra and The Princesses Of Power is really good and has so many good moments!

This is one of them.

Commissioned to draw me a Sniperbot icon and I love this so freaking much!! <333333

Oh hey here's a cosplay thing I'm working on; a Sniperbot from the new series of Doctor Who.

This is going to become Pepakura and then EVA foam so detail isn't needed here.

nsfw, doctor who spoilers 

H-heck the Sniperbots in the recent episode of Doctor Who are actually pretty dang hot. >.>

Hoods + Masks = Very nice thank you.

Late birthday present from, done by

I love this so much!!! πŸ’›πŸ’œπŸ–€

Oh hey I tooted about one of my childhood crushes that still continues to this day?

These are very good birbs and I hecking love them. πŸ’œ
Tenga/Tengu Warriors from MMPR.

Please see my first ever crush; "The Dark Knight" from the BBC kids game show "Incredible Games". I think I was 11 or 12 when I first saw this and crushed pretty hard? Still do.

Computer Fairies

Computer Fairies is a Mastodon instance that aims to be as queer, friendly and furry as possible. We welcome all kinds of computer fairies!