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Thinking about maybe (definitely) adding Dino Charge Purple/Kyuryoger Violet to my list of cosplays to get >.>

Suddenly thinking about what if I follow up Epoxy with my Tenga Warrior OC! >.>

Full suit, of course, because wings are important for birds.

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Made some test "follow-me" eyes and though they didn't fit easily they were a good test to see how deep they needed to be to get the effect to work properly, given that the eyes are kinda narrow. I think 19mm (3/4") is about the right depth for the effect!

Just an FYI this is my first time trying to make a fursuit. The 3D printed base is from Schneepardi on Etsy.

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Thinking a LOT these past few days about my favourite of all time: Power Driller (Sai Nejire, literally Rhino Twist/Distortion/Warp, it's a pun!)

Like gosh I love them so much. I wish I could be them RL! ^^; πŸ’š

I didn't get time to work much on my but was at least able to mock up some eyes and print them out to see what they'll look like.

Then I discovered that we're out of colour ink, lol.

I want to go with "follow-me-eyes" but at least the standard old-school eyes will work okay. Also I'm not aiming for cute but it's nice that it does look cute by default!

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Okay almost everything is here; just need to get my sewing kit in one place and I'm all good to go!

I really want to make my Renamon suit as close to the official suit as possible (with my hair, of course!). This suit is the reason why I am a Renamon! πŸ’›β€‹πŸ’œβ€‹

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Gonna boost @Kerijiano because they're SO very cool and so awesome to work with and just look at this badge I commissioned from them; I really love how they drew me! πŸ’›β€‹πŸ’œβ€‹

Been looking up tutorials and I think I can do this. Gonna look into getting some materials soon!

Already got an idea of what I want to make (head, paws, and tail) and how to do it. Also already got a Renamon head base!

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I would like to get/make a fursuit head of my main fursona, and also get a faux gasmask to wear with it for supervillainy ;3

πŸŽ¨β€‹ KiyoneScarlet @ πŸ”΅β€‹β˜οΈβ€‹

Did an offline run of RE2 (1998). Third attempt, and first time fully completed, with a time of 1:08:33!

Was an offline run so I won't be submitting this anywhere, but pretty happy with this. :)

Decided to play Leon B after dinner and another A ranking! :3

Also unlocked Hunk and two of the special weapons but forgot to grab screenshots. ^^;

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Koudelka, an RPG set in Wales, has healing potions that use red wine as a base. This is so incrediblely of the time (monks serving medicinal herbs in wine, and also tonic wines such as Buckfast) and kinda realistic that I had to take a screenshot.

CAW! My Tenga Warrior OC is now a girl! πŸ’œβ€‹πŸ–€β€‹:flag_transgender:​

πŸŽ¨β€‹ KiyoneScarlet@πŸ”΅β€‹β˜οΈβ€‹

Look this slink (spandex) is just really really good and I love it a lot!

I want to wear it all the time, every day. Thinking about wearing it under my casual clothes (sans the armour, of course) makes me feel really nice and at ease/comfortable.

I really need to brain properly and get the pattern down so I can get it printed and seven pieces made up! πŸ’œ

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Computer Fairies

Computer Fairies is a Mastodon instance that aims to be as queer, friendly and furry as possible. We welcome all kinds of computer fairies!