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Jeez this took an age to get working but it's done!

A DS18B20 1-wire temperature probe connected to a RPi 3A+, monitoring the temperature of the water in the hot water tank (as best it can; it's just touching the outside of the tank).

Data collection and display is being done by Munin (thanks @darac for the suggestion!) node on the Pi, master on my home server.

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Also have a lot of nostalgia for almost all of Bad Influence! It was one of the few shows I was able to brain well enough to actually watch every week!

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I've got a lot of nostalgia for the 1st and 2nd series of GamesMaster, and part of that is the boldness of design that was taking Sir Patrick Moore and comping him into cyberspace.

(media marked as sensitive due to eye-contact)

Got some Xenia stickers from @Neotheta!! 💜🏳️‍⚧️

Of course I put some on my thinkpad! ^^

Whenever I see an amateur radio transceiver in an anime I have to look up what it is.

The first episode of the Gunsmith Cats OVA has a "Varsu FT-727"fitted beneath the dash of a car. This is actually a Yaesu FT-712RH!

AHHHH got myself a copy of the EZ2Dancer OST!!!

EZ2Dancer is still my favourite dancing game and I miss it a lot, haha 💜​

selfie, eye contact 

Definitely feeling like summer has started!

Petition to rename Monday to MOVEday so everyone can start the week by walking into my awaiting cloakarms~

Was making dinner earlier and suddenly my brain goes "Hey rememer the Dark Knight POV shots? Think about how it would be for you to see like that and also have some dopamine at the same time" and gosh wow that was an incredible experience. It was so euphoric!! 🖤​

Honestly I've got two life goals:

1) Be girl
2) Be Dark Knight

Both are in progress and I'm so happy <3<3

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This was so much fun to make!! Really looking forward to doing the next one!

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Computer Fairies

Computer Fairies is a Mastodon instance that aims to be as queer, friendly and furry as possible. We welcome all kinds of computer fairies!