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@avon_deer Mmhmm, almost everyone he trusted was not smart and made really obvious mistakes because they believed that they were super smart and infallible.

@red An analog CATV/MATV system? Wow I assumed that they would have at least gone to dvb

This is why I bought an old hotel CATV/MATV system, so I can run four analog TV channels in my home and they can have whatever TV I want on them. I still need to sort out the software, etc, but it's on the list.

The four channels I'm planning for are:
- Kids TV
- Science fiction
- Movies
- General (everything else, kinda like Sky One)

There's provision for additional modulators, if I feel that four channels aren't enough and want say a channel just for documentaries.

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A recent video I saw re the difference between UK and US supermarkets got me thinking about my own personal TV consumption again.
( )

I don't watch modern linear TV nowadays because I don't find it satisfying; there's too much choice, and that spreading of the viewing pool has lead to a lot of mush that doesn't really interest me.

I do want a linear TV experience but for it to be more curated with less choice.

🀍 Appeal to the Browser Goddesses 🀍

Can we please make it a thing where 32GB of RAM isn't an insufficient amount for day to day web browser usage? Getting an OOM core dump for that reason is inexcusable.

- Should the Zoom browser app really need 2GB on a single tab when it's already downscaling a 1080p feed to 320p on an enterprise account?
- Should Amazon's website really need 1GB per tab just to view the cart or a ~800Mb for a single simple product page?
- Please remind me how an MKdocs fully static page with a single 400k image and no datatables or fancy JS somehow require 242Mb?
- Or perhaps shed some light on the requirement where Google's main page with a single search form somehow needs ~500Mb

There are no "good reasons" for these inefficiencies. We don't suddenly have better search fields or compressed jpegs now vs a decade ago with 1/10th of the system resources.

#developer #webdev #linux #browsers #chrome #firefox #ensh11n

It's done!!! Updated ref sheet!

GoaTuna (goatuna on πŸ”΅β€‹β˜οΈβ€‹) did such a FANTASTIC job!!!

HECK it me!!! πŸ’›β€‹πŸ’œβ€‹

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This is another commission for Zeta Syanthis! It's got some similarities to the previous one, but I also tried to make it distinct. Maybe it's another part of the same temple complex?

made in #inkscape

#MastoArt #FediArt #CreativeToots #ArtWithOpenSource

Tom Baker, in the 1970s, asked about the idea of a woman playing the Doctor.

The answer (β€œa good idea”) to the question is then expanded to consider the culture of the BBC and then just men of 1970s Britain in general.

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Computer Fairies

Computer Fairies is a Mastodon instance that aims to be as queer, friendly and furry as possible. We welcome all kinds of computer fairies!