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What we need: lots of people, including individuals, small voluntary organisations, and small businesses, running online services using Free software, on a small scale, with decent export/import options

What the UK’s Online Safety Act encourages: people to throw in the towel and switch to a hosted/centralised service run by a rich, well-lawyered company, which can take on the risk and burden of compliance


@trans_lykanthropie What if I just want to rub a werewolf muzzle because werewolf, also werewolf to werewolf muzzle nuzzle?

Are you a furry who is curious about computer art and the demoscene?

Find me at Nordic Fuzz Con on Thursday the 20th at 20:00 (GMT+1) in the Vet Chamber, Valhalla.

I will be covering all the essential topics surrounding the demoscene, how furries have been getting involved with the scene and how you too can get involved.

@trans_lykanthropie I think they did it as a show first and then made a book about it afterwards? That happened quite a bit with the stuff they made for younger kids :3

🚨 The UK Data Bill returns to Parliament next week 🚨

It'll strip back your ability to challenge life-changing decisions made by AI.

Join 980 people who've signed our petition to protect the right to human review of automated decisions. #PeopleNotMachines

Sign now ➡️

#AI #DUABill #DataBill #dataprotection #privacy #GDPR #ukpolitics

I was today years old when I was told that the way I hold pencil is good for writing letters but bad for drawing smoothly flowing precise lines. I changed my grip from tripod to violin bow OR pen and voila...

Thanks helpyoudraw tumbler for a helpful illustration

Super excited to be in the dealer's den this year! Come by on Monday and say hi! I'll have exclusive goodies including my new acrylic pinbadges, and may or may not be performing (pizza) summoning rituals. #Furry #Scotiacon

About a year ago I came across the Xenia Plymouth theme that @fern made and have been using it with a slight tweak to add a loading bar since then, until a few days ago when I was like "But what if it was using the summoning circle art from @Neotheta instead?" :blobfoxthinkanime:

Today I finally sat down to switch out the image, and this is the result!

The original artwork by Neotheta | Source code


@limbic @trans_lykanthropie It's important that ever yinglet and smol creature sleeps on my werewolf body *nod*

@limbic @trans_lykanthropie Oh cuties!

*easily picks up both in her strong werewolf arms and carries to her bed to snuggle while she sleeps*

Just in time for #WerewolfWednesday, here's the raffle prize I did of's character, Alexis!

You all know how much I love drawing a lovely, snarly werewolf gal. 😊

#werewolf #WerewolfWoman #WerewolfWomen #monsterArt #wolf #anthroWolf #fangs #teeth

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Computer Fairies

Computer Fairies is a Mastodon instance that aims to be as queer, friendly and furry as possible. We welcome all kinds of computer fairies!