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@trans_lykanthropie Good >:3

Gonna be my turn to stalk the supermarket on a Friday and look for good werewolf noms

ok seriously, how do I get my arch setup in 2025 to look like these stardock skinz from 2000?

when i encountered them back then i thought they were meh or whatever but now i yearn for the golden age

@avon_deer It's pretty common for users at my workplace to do things like putting laptops in a bag while switched on and hibernated/suspend rather than shutdown.

I assumed it was because they had used Surface Pros in the past, which are built more like tablets, but seeing that you've got the same deal I guess people in general aren't being taught best practices.

The BBC studied the use of its content in LLM output. It found that 91% of the output had mistakes. 51% of the mistakes were "significant."

I will not give up this fight. This technology is detrimental to human knowledge.

@trans_lykanthropie@meow.socialAWOOOO!!! HECK YEAH!!! πŸΊβ€‹βœ¨β€‹πŸŒ•β€‹

@trans_lykanthropie The best part of any werewolfing is always the sneaking up and looming over with claws and teeth ready~ >:3

let me out
let me out in zhe garden
I won't terrorise zhe local village
I won't go hunting human peasants
just let me out in zhe back garden
go on
let me out

HRT, or as heyoitsbeio on bsky recently called it "Lycanthronol" (I love that name), is fucking magical; It helps me be myself and it's unlocked/connected parts of me that, for a long time, felt disparate and at odds!
I haven't ever felt this happy, well adjusted, centred, etc as I do now.

This is me pretty much saying that I see myself as a werewolf therian, which will be totally obvious to some but my brain is bad at making personal connections, lol ^^;

fitness, weight 

@garrwolfdog Thank you! It's kinda funny that I didn't think I could ever make this stick until I properly found myself being a werewolf gal ^.^

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Computer Fairies

Computer Fairies is a Mastodon instance that aims to be as queer, friendly and furry as possible. We welcome all kinds of computer fairies!