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Eating less and doing meal prep for work lunches is helping me feel better. Now gotta work on getting more active so I can start really losing weight to be a slender Renamon/Werewolf.

2025. you go to a website. you see all the elements on the page pop-in, loading one by one. it's like the 90s again. your internet connection might be hundreds of megabits per second. the web designer is using a 4k video file as a looping background, and that somehow loads quickly compared to all the actual useful elements on the page. three seconds, five seconds, ten seconds. each checkbox and table has to initialize its own software stack of UI abstraction libraries and surveillance middleware

I bought some lineart last night and spent a few hours doing some basic colouring and holy shit wow where has this feeling been hiding??

I think I'm about 50% complete on colouring; probably not going to do any shading, as it's just a jumping off point for getting a proper ref sheet done in a few months time, but I'm really happy with where I am with the design!

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BikeHopper now shows you at a glance where the steep hills along your route are!

This required me to learn way too much about the obscure SDF image format, used by MapLibre.

Found some werewolf line art for sale, that I liked, and spent the past hour or so working on colours!

It's just a sticker on somebody's Laptop, it can't physically hurt you.

The sticker:

Started working on it this morning. After cutting down the old, dead, PS1 memory card PCB I was able to fit the RP2040-Zero, and MicroSD reader, inside the case.

Next is soldering all the cables, programming the RP2040-Zero, and then final fitting :3

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I've recently taken a liking to colossal Inteleon mischief as of late. I had to try out being one and I certainly like it! Vancouver maybe didn't like it so much but they'll just have to deal with it.

Just a doodle for Sojiro that got away from me and now he's standing on the cake and that's probably not very sanitary...

When I say I'm thinking I mean I am 100% changing my werewolf to girl but it's what I want that form to look like: fur patterns, body shape, hair, etc. 🐺🏳️‍⚧️

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okay yeah thinking a LOT about changing my werewolf from male to female :flag_transgender:​🐺​

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For anyone who has wanted vocal coaching, but can't afford it, the vocal team that helped me has started a scholarship program where they'll be selecting two people to get 6 free lessons. They are also accepting donations to help sponsor people. You can apply until the 20th.

They also put out YouTube content with helpful information if you'd like a sense of them, or are just looking for resources


Maybe I’m old as fuck but I don’t want to use web apps. If you want to make an app, make an app. Make websites documents again. Web apps were a mistake

He's got a brand new car (1)
Looks like a Jaguar (2)
It's got leather seats (3)
It's got a CD player player player player player player player player player player player player player player player player (4) yeah, but I don't wanna talk about it any more (5)

1. 2004 Honda Element with 217k miles
2. In no way resembles a Jaguar
3. Does not have leather seats
4. Is indeed equipped with a CD player player player player player player player player player player player player player player player player
5. I will be making several (i) more posts about this car and broadcasting them to an audience of thousands (ii)

i. possibly many
ii. of weirdos

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Computer Fairies

Computer Fairies is a Mastodon instance that aims to be as queer, friendly and furry as possible. We welcome all kinds of computer fairies!