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reinstalling tvheadend on a raspberry pi because there's actually some freeview channels that I might want to watch

sick but, mainly because @PsyChuan mentioned it, I am rewatching Spaced. Got a nice warm bowl of chicken noodle soup.

illness, little vent 

Lack of sleep is really catching up with me; probably gonna have a really early night tonight.

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Are you an indie game developer? Would you like your game localized in French? Hire me!

* I go beyond simple translation and try my best to match tone and cultural references for a francophone audience
* I hold queer and especially non-binary representation to utmost importance and will use non-standard writing forms and neopronouns to bend the strongly binary gendered French language into respecting and communicating your characters' gender identities
* I pay attention to UI design and try my best to make sure text fits the spaces it's in and is appropriate with its context
* As this is not an occupation I depend on, I am willing to discuss rates to fit your budget and remain accessible


FAITH Chapter I fan-translation with fully localized graphics and digitized voices

SNAKE FARM, commercially released on Steam

DMs open, e-mail pro [a t] siphonay [d o t] fr

#indiegames #gamedev #indiegamedev #localization

illness, little vent 

Sick with some sort of cold. Mainly just a cough but it's doing that thing where it gets worse when I lay down and that sucks when trying to sleep. Only got about six hours of sleep last night T_T

Pirate everything. Who gives a fuck anymore. Steal some joy from the abyss.

Adopt NeoChat!

This chat client works on both your desktop and phone and will let you communicate over the free and de-centralized and secure Matrix instant messaging platform.


A looooong overdue commission for Aubrin.
Jaye is usually trouble for the local authorities. This time, it looks like she caused so much trouble they had to dis-arm her.

#furry #furryart #cyberpunk #dragonart

broke: elf on the shelf
bespoke: rena on the antenna :renamon:

programmers are always posting like "worked on tracking down an issue with a Flurble deployment for twelve hours. the problem wasn't in Flurble at all - it was in the Gumbies install. It turns out if you install Gumbies 3.0 over Gumbies 2.7 and don't do a cache flush on all the client spiders they'll get stuck in the crystal maze." then you look up Gumbies and the site is one of those scroll scroll scroll types with one sentence per page, like

"GUMBIES is a lean, expressive sharding sandcube for testing and deploying large scale Woodchips playgrounds.

GUMBIES automates and streamlines away watersliding phases, meaning your team can get right to the chipping.

See why Microsoft, OpenAI and Bloingo have embraced GUMBIES in their Woodchips workflows."

and you get to the bottom and you're like I want this I guess but I still don't know what it is

Game: 'Adjust the brightness so that the middle image is barely visible'
Me: Adjusts the brightness so all the images are visible because I paid for the fucker and I can do what I want

No matter which of my pride flags I carry or how I carry them, one thing's for certain here: I'm proud of who I am! Never forget the battle is never over; see how you can help your local community today!

#ANSIArt #FurryArt #Furry #ANSI #PixelArt #Pride #PrideArt

"We don't need to visit Egypt, we've got Suez at home."
Suez at home:

Mystic happy dance !
Lowpoly commission for MysticArts/MysticWind (+18/NSFW page)
#lowpoly #3D

For the love of all that is holy, can you all please start using `<a>` for navigation and `<button>` for actions, not the other way around?

Please don't make me turn this into a blog post.

Signed, someone who couldn't right-click to "open in a new tab" when it mattered.

#HTML #accessibility

"I changed the SIM card in my dongle and it's gotten really hot!"
"Really? That's odd. Let me open it up and have a look... ahh yes there's your problem."

(We took it outside and wrapped it in a fire blanket)

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Computer Fairies

Computer Fairies is a Mastodon instance that aims to be as queer, friendly and furry as possible. We welcome all kinds of computer fairies!