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tf, pokemon, you 

Rockruff is evolving,
and it looks like
you are as well:
did you get too close?
Shining bright, changing shape,
warm and fluffy together
under the night sky:
spiky paws for hands and feet,
little tails, big crests,
long muzzles, glowing eyes,
soon meeting each other
as twin Lycanrocs~ ✨✨


Thinking a lot today about my old boy werewolf self and what that'd look like as a girl (separate from Epoxy, I mean).

Haha sorry for once again saying that I'm happy with who I am, but I'm really happy with who I am.

A few years ago I was so full of angst and was pretty sad and unsure of myself a lot, but now that I'm transitioning I feel so much happier, all the time.

Especially happy that I'm a Renamon girl and a Wolf girl πŸ’œ πŸ’› 🦊 🐺

Boosts appreciated :3 ​:boost:​

Me and my friends have made these paracord collars a bit ago and they're pretty fun to make, so if you want me to make one for you or a friend, i'd be glad to do it!

You have complete control over the colors and accessories. Also, we can put an NFC tag on it to point to a website, a fedi account or contact information when someone scans your collar.

You can DM me here or on Matrix ( for more info.

Haha sorry for once again saying that I'm happy with who I am, but I'm really happy with who I am.

A few years ago I was so full of angst and was pretty sad and unsure of myself a lot, but now that I'm transitioning I feel so much happier, all the time.

Especially happy that I'm a Renamon girl and a Wolf girl πŸ’œ πŸ’› 🦊 🐺

like, what even is capitalism anymore? everything is just reduced to meaningless slop in sell unrelated widgets to people

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A portrait of Ferra for @avie, finished for now but I'm sure I'll zhink of a bunch of zhings to change and improve wizh time c:

So your saying there's no eirp limits on amateur radio? Say no more.

one of the great things about changing your name via deed poll is that it can pretty much be anything and I am still very happy with the name I chose for myself

I changed my whole name, and gave myself a middle name, and it makes me smile every time that I see it written down

Irregular reminder that exists, a great list of service providers from Europe (including the exact nation as well as tags to know what's FOSS *AND* Self-hostable) that will enable you to move away from services hosted within and governed by the upcoming US Regime laws.
#privacy #security #Europe #USA #Safety

The past two days were the first time I've seen the sun in months and she's already gone. Come back Seattle sun for #FursuitFriday!

βœ‚οΈ @thatsfurredup
πŸ“Έ DJNightraver

#fursuit #fursuiter #fursuiting

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Computer Fairies

Computer Fairies is a Mastodon instance that aims to be as queer, friendly and furry as possible. We welcome all kinds of computer fairies!