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This is fine for DOS, but I wanna put Windows on here too... Look how chonky these old RAM sticks are!!

Today, for Black History Month, we honor the memory of Mary Fields (c. 1832–12/5/1914), also known as Stagecoach Mary, an American mail carrier who was the first Black woman to be employed as a star route postwoman in the United States. She was born into slavery. After emancipation, she worked as a chambermaid on a steamship, and as a household servant. In 1895, at the age of sixty, she got a job as a Star Route Carrier, which used a stagecoach to deliver mail in the harsh weather and rocky terrain of Montana. She carried multiple firearms, most notably a .38 Smith & Wesson under her apron to protect herself and the mail from wolves, thieves and bandits. She never missed a day, and her reliability earned her the nickname "Stagecoach Mary." When the snow was too deep for horses, she delivered the mail on snowshoes, carrying the sacks on her shoulders.

#workingclass #LaborHistory #stagecoachmary #maryfields #slavery #blackhistorymonth #BlackMastadon

fitness, weight 

Week 5: 120.7kg

Oops had a bit of a dirty food weekend (forgot to cook because hyper focusing on sorting out cameras and house work).

Still the changes I've made to my lunches and work commute are helping a lot so I'm sure I'll be back down next week ^^

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HRT, or as heyoitsbeio on bsky recently called it "Lycanthronol" (I love that name), is fucking magical; It helps me be myself and it's unlocked/connected parts of me that, for a long time, felt disparate and at odds!
I haven't ever felt this happy, well adjusted, centred, etc as I do now.

This is me pretty much saying that I see myself as a werewolf therian, which will be totally obvious to some but my brain is bad at making personal connections, lol ^^;

Naebdy's messin wizh za trail runner and bodyguard now zhat she's got a flammenwerfer!!!!!!!

YCH Slot by

Here ya go - these are the wrapped Gryphon scutes and their target meshes (as wireframe). This was fun because I could quickly iterate to try different layouts - I'm actually working with flat scutes that are wrapped via the Flowify addon, using Blender.

#Blender #Sculpting

Perks of being a werewolf: a first class snoofer. I once aced an assessment during my first year of restoration training zhanks to my olfactory powers

@trans_lykanthropie His name is Marcel and he has two moods.
Art by Ron Spencer & LA (aka l2edpanda aka bewitchedink)

This kitty loves fishing! 🎣🐱

Been working on a character model for the game, so I can finally get rid of the placeholder capsule.

Next up are animations!
#godot #gamedev

Upcoming stream!
Thursday, 9pm-10pm (London, UK, time)!

We're back on our usual Guilty Gear nonsense this week! lets see if we can claw back a level or two? :D

#Furry #VTuber #Stream #FurryVTuber #furrystreamer #streaming #streamer

I don't know what prompted me to do this, I was feeling a bit reflective and thinking about like family and being disowned and stuff, and like affirming myself on how happy I am to be alive now despite the shit that's going on.

Never give up.

Anyway here's this video of my selfies over like the past year. It was quite emotional putting this together, a lot of these (the earlier ones) are photos where I'm really struggling to keep things together, but looking back I'm so glad I did.

Video might get copyright striked, but while it's up:

I have two commission slots open. PRICES

Icons = Β£15-20 Pet Portraits = Β£25-35 References = Β£30-50+ Fullbody Illustration = Β£35-45 (extra character Β£15). Reply or DM for a more precise quote.

All Payments via paypal invoicing. Nothing sfw and nsfw accepted. Ask about particular kinks or check my other media for ideas and themes I like.

#CommissionsOpen #furryart #petportraits #fantasyart #disabledartist

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Computer Fairies

Computer Fairies is a Mastodon instance that aims to be as queer, friendly and furry as possible. We welcome all kinds of computer fairies!