Hate flourishes through ignorance. When hearts & minds are opened, progress comes & hate withers to nothing.

Also another reminder that the older in society should be part of the conversation. They have value & are a part of our world.


"Over 50 years ago, NASA was able to get its Saturn V, a rocket nearly as large as Starship, to fly without ever having a failed launch over its 13-launch, six-year operational lifespan. This was a rocket designed with computers less powerful than a Casio watch, built with far less accurate techniques and materials, with check systems and procedures infinitely less sophisticated than anything today. Yet, engineers were able to ensure it never had a launch failure [...]"

Commissions OPEN, 2 slots avalible. All Payments in gbp using PayPal invoicing system. Both sfw and nsfw accepted. Full list of ok kinks and stuff in my tos bellow. Prices in Alt text on 4th picture.
Comment or DM for a quote. #furryart #fantasyart #commissionsopen #disabledartist

[url=docs.google.com/document/u/0/d T.O.S[/url]

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Computer Fairies

Computer Fairies is a Mastodon instance that aims to be as queer, friendly and furry as possible. We welcome all kinds of computer fairies!