The ADHD Diagnostic statements - They are SO from the perspective of the parent/teacher/boss & is done in a very "deficit" way of thinking. Ugh. 😩

> "1: Often fails to give close attention to details or makes careless mistakes in schoolwork, at work, or with other activities."

😆 Haha. No. ADHD ppl pay **A LOT** of attention to details & can hyper-focus. The problem is when something is no longer interesting, *then* we may pay less attention to details.

#ADHD #NeuroDiverse


@jai_oh When I first heard "consciously" about ADHD, I actually thought this could be the reason for their "lack of concentration", that they just get things too fast and lose interest when a neurotypical only starts to understand what we're seeing (although I'm not considering myself fully neurotypical).

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