how do first "toots" work anymore, do i like say "hello my name jeff i like fortnut XD" is there even a point? anyways henlo apparently my name jeff. i like things, i do things, i am human yes yes...i think. beep? yeah i seriously don't know what to say, since well, i haven't need to introduce myself since like, 2010. lets hope i can keep this up.
@Sir_Boops yeah its heavily irritating
***I*** didn't break anything. I went to upload a file to here and windblows bluescreened.
@Sir_Boops fair lmao
@maple Ah, so it wasn't just blatant stupid then. Alright, then that isn't that bad of an idea
@Sir_Boops true lmao
Im just a trans girl thats into electronics and space,
i occasionally do cool projects.
feel free to contact me anytime if you wanna chat im really chill :3
#introductions Heyo, I'm also Drew (not to be confused with @d, we know each other though). I'm agender, they/them is preferred, he/him is acceptable. I'm Wiccan and so I'm one of those scary satanic people your mommy warned you about. I like making random useless Android stuff. I'm also a huge furry, my fursona is a bat.
idk what else to say im really boring sorry lmao
@maple It is cool, but has it's own drawbacks.
Its got a Lithium-Polymer battery, so if I let the battery run flat, I have to do funky shit to revive it. (I also have to reflash (A6?) battery firmware every once in a while)
@maple Ah nice!
The Touchpad is interesting tbh. It came with webOS, but has ports for Android (up to 7.1.1), Ubuntu 12.10 and 13.04, Arch ARM, and a few others that I can't remember atm.
I've got Android, Ubuntu 13.04, webOS, Android recovery, and two bootloaders on it though. (I'd put more on it, but /boot can only hold so many uImages)
@maple That's my HP Touchpad (if that's all you actually wanted to know, then there you go. Don't like to bore people with details unless asked :shrug: )
@d succ
#introductions Hi, I'm Drew, I'm a trans dude. I'm also a furry, and it's totally my mom's fault, because she was a furry too. I'm super duper Swedish and am basically an ice cube. I like programming (python and kotlin are my city) but I suck more than a vacuum cleaner on steroids.
So yeah, that's me.
Don't mind me, I'm just a shy trans-girl (and furry) who gets anxious easily and sucks at social interaction π (oh i also own some hardware so if you're interested in hearing about it lemme know i guess)