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Am a silly bean with a silly awoo tail


Boost if you see your kink:

Holding hands with girls
Being gay for girls
Obsessively talking about girls
Cuddling girls
Thinking about girls
Enby girls

Nobody will know which one!

Am a silly bean with a silly awoo tail


manic depressive disorder, depression 

I went to sleep kinda upset about something completely unrelated and now my mind decides to throw me into a full depression low after just waking up
I really hate having bipolar disorder..

Sailor moon magical girl transformation sequences but its a bunch of furries.

aaaaah, drinking hot chocolate from my computer fairies mug
awesome merch @maple

panic and stress 

this applies to fourth of july eve too tbh

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panic and stress 

Fourth of july

another one has come
time to hide from the loud bangs and scary noises

when every trans gal on the web is like "this generic-ass anime girl is my transition goals" & I'm o'er here like..................

little mrs awoo here has to wake up early for work

rant and vent 

I absolutely hate when people claim us centrism torwards me just because i live here in the us doesnt mean i think the us is everything blah blah

as a matter of fact i hate the us rather see this trash fire burn

Nice one cloudflare
nocking out the regional node im in vvvv nice

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Computer Fairies

Computer Fairies is a Mastodon instance that aims to be as queer, friendly and furry as possible. We welcome all kinds of computer fairies!