US Politics 

New thing I'm doing is betting on all the worst outcomes on PredictIt. At least that way I'll make some money as we continue into hellworld.

Yes to Kavanaugh getting confirmed
Yes to Republicans controlling House and Senate after 2018
Yes to Trump winning 2020

"I think the work you have not started doing, and would be on a completely different system even if you had, is what's causing the error they're seeing."

That's it; I'm done for the day.

Who are you people using editors that don't put a newline at the end?

If you want to have a sense for how much luck there is in the software engineer process, there are days when I look at resumes for people I'm about to interview and wonder what idiot didn't throw them in the trash. And the idiot is always me.
I need to get better about consistency. I never feel like my mood or whatever is affecting my decisions, even though it is.

if I'm trying to get away from Gmail, but don't want to host my own mail exchange, what would people recommend?

I've got an idea for a project, and I want to use it to learn some more Rust. Does anyone have recommendations for crates for a web server and web sockets? I'm kinda in choice paralysis right now.

Why did the neutrino get fired from the ice cream shop?

Because it kept mixing up the flavors. I like how it does not actually explain how to run the coffee machine. Gotta consult some other video when it's time to make a new pot.

I realize I misspelled 'too'. I would like two apologize too everyone.

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when Microsoft has to much power with the unicode consortium 📎👀

methyl organometallic compounds: not even once

Warm in apartment.
So turn on the fan.
The fan is loud.
So put on noise cancelling headphones. Warm in apartment.
Headphones make head all sweaty.

when I have kids, it's going to be fun explaining things like "Dad, why didn't you sleep in your bed last night? How is sleeping on the floor more comfortable?"

Woke up too late for the start of the F1 race live, so was going to watch MotoGP live. But that's rain delayed. 😴

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Computer Fairies

Computer Fairies is a Mastodon instance that aims to be as queer, friendly and furry as possible. We welcome all kinds of computer fairies!