#splatoon -- you already know what team i chose! went even in my matches, had a great time. fell in love with the slosher deco. for frye and her smile <3
thoroughly enjoy how normally i speak with next to no accent but with customer service i adopt one.
"howdy how can i help y'all tonigh'? three forteehn inch pizzas with a peeb and a sprite? awwwright fouhrty three sevunteehn"
i think it comes from my dad. he was always leaning into an accent to chameleon the older dudes on worksites and in shops, so i guess i just associated it with work and customers since childhood lol
feel really accomplished of how far ive come in splatoon with my charger skills! im a really noodly player as is so evasion is pretty natural and im starting to finally hit the tricky shots. never thought id get to the point where i was comfy with them to the point of the splatterscope joining my weapon rotation but here i am...
disability venting
hmm... wish i had more time to dedicate to my art and design, but work just zaps all my energy away and so when i come home and have inspiration im like "bleeeeh :b tomorrow" and then tomorrow it repeats
i would adore if SSDI were an easier process so i could pursue my hobbies and health! but at this rate im not sure im going to have a december piece for my 2022 art review...
22 | they/it/any neos | local entity floating on by | main special interest: splatoon | main hyperfixation: design of all kinds | i love my wife @annika <3