So, for the finale of my campaign, I'm sending the PCs into my version of 's tomb, so I thought that I could get inspiration and nice 'handouts' by taking the ones from the actual box.
Then I thought it'd be nice if I colorized them to increase clarity and stuff.

So pretty much all of Wednesday was spent colorizing 26 different half-page 'handouts'.
I didn't even think about which ones I'm likely to use, I just OCD'd into finishing the lot. Granted, around 30 mins per image on average... 13 hours... but I did them :)
Then it kinda sunk in, wondering how much time I might have 'wasted' (this is relative, since I'm disabled so stay at home a lot).


So I figured I'd share them on my DeviantArt, so that others can use them if they wish... and people have actually been liking them :)
I feel good.
That's where they are if anyone is interested.

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Computer Fairies

Computer Fairies is a Mastodon instance that aims to be as queer, friendly and furry as possible. We welcome all kinds of computer fairies!