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uspol, nice 

Senator Ron Wyden (D-OR) has introduced S. 420 to legalize and regulate marijuana in the United States.

He's 69 years old.

wondering if i can feasibly install Hannah Montana Linux on a Pentium II ThinkPad

there's that awkward moment when you realize that you don't have anyone with more experience to go to for their perspectives and wisdom on things because you tend to be on the older side of your social circle

tbh, i remember when i was on the other extreme, hahaha

just had to physically restrain myself from replying "hewwo" to a coworker on slack

The people who benefit from the system never learn to question it. They never need to.

capitalism is a disease.

trying to explain to my brother that his identity and worth are more than what capitalism tells him it is.. it's a challenge

i used to be jealous of him because he's cishet and is an amazing guy. but, at the same time, i feel being trans has taught me a lot about life and living that i wouldn't have been able to learn without these experiences

undoubtedly, i still have a bad time because of who and what i am sometimes, but it's easier for me to understand some things

work (negative) 

No privacy, no time to think, and you get to hear everybody else being yelled at whenever there's an argument.

It's like a layout designed to keep employees in line by maximising fear of consequences.
mongodb more like mongo dropped a bomb on my storage db

the majority of my programming projects that are most "worth doing" actually have pretty substantial amounts of tedium and burn-out inducing grinds associated with them

it's a bit counter-intuitive, but i've found that this is often the case for problems that need solving. the reason some "simple" problems are still unsolved is because the problem's simplicity hides an arduous journey.

Shout outs to all the trans people who don’t want or can’t afford bottom surgery, don’t feel bottom dysphoria and like the parts they have, etc. you’re all still very trans and very valid.

Because I can't actually scream my lungs out in physics class, allow me to do so here

[screams lungs out]

bed is warm
apartment is cold
the bun is lazy

in the same breath:

mary sues aren’t real

men can be OP and survive anything and win everything and no one cares

let women be the same way

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Dr. Patricia Bath (Born 1942) Dr. Bath is an ophthalmologist, and the first African-American woman doctor to receive a patent for a medical purpose. In 1981 she received a patent for the Laserphaco Probe, which is used to treat cataracts. Dr. Bath’s laser probe made cataract surgery faster and more accurate, and she has been credited with saving thousands of people from losing their sight. She now holds 4 patents. #BlackHistoryMonth

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Computer Fairies

Computer Fairies is a Mastodon instance that aims to be as queer, friendly and furry as possible. We welcome all kinds of computer fairies!