benefits of being skunk:

- cute even when irritated
- eat garbage
- some models include built-in self-defense mechanism
- stomp stomp
- vertical stripes. fancy
- tail
- best animal

??????? maple wha t no (don't) maple no it got worse 

@maple This webcomic went from funny to gay and funny real quick.

??????? maple wha t no (don't) 

@maple Sounds like a character from a web comic that is always grumpy and the focus of all the jokes.

I've decided I'll post all my FOSS and security related stuff on and all the furry and dumb stuff will be here.


Is there a fetish for having your private data leaked like how there is a fetish for publicly showing your penis.

Password managers are increasingly advertised nowadays. But the ones advertised are closed source.

Manage you passwords securely with configurable encryption with KeePassXC. KeePassXC is open source meaning it can't hide anything it does.

KeePassXC also integrates with major browsers. This means you can easily have a database for all your passwords across websites and programs.

Website :link::

Firefox plugin:

apt :package:: keepassxc

My favorite thing is when you find a cool game which doesn't have a tutorial or any docs.

Well they are visible across instances apparently, that's nice.

Show thread

Oops, forgot to add hashtags on that last post. Unless they aren't visible across instances in which I was being smart and saving characters.

If you like SimCity (the original for DOS) but don't want to pirate it and run it off an emulator there exists Micropolis.

Developed by Don Hopkins and Will Wright Micropolis is a quite faithful recreation of the original SimCity which is FOSS under GPL.

Website 🔗:

apt 📦: micropolis

Well this is interesting! It took a while for my email service to allow me to use it due to my anonymity service but I'm finally here!

Sadly I'll have to sleep soon if I want any hope of getting up at a normal time. Normal for me at least.

Computer Fairies

Computer Fairies is a Mastodon instance that aims to be as queer, friendly and furry as possible. We welcome all kinds of computer fairies!